Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads

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Description. Any additional information about the script.
Customer. (Optional.) A customer associated with the script. For Service Provider solutions,
this field is mandatory, due to multiple tenancy solutions (customer-specific data needs to
be separated).
Interruptible. (Checkbox.) Whether Unified ICME can interrupt the script (for example, if
a routing target becomes available).
Overridable. (Checkbox.) Indicates whether the script can override its own Interruptible
attribute. Options: This setting does not apply to Unified CVP micro-applications.
Step 5
When finished, click Save to apply your changes.
How to Specify a Run External Script Node that Accesses a Unified CVP Micro-Application
Step 1
Within Script Editor, place the Run External Script object in the workspace, right-click, and
open the Properties dialog box.
The Run External Script Properties dialog box lists all Network VRU scripts currently configured
Note: The ICM Script Name column reflects the values defined through the Name field in ICM
Configuration Manager’s Network VRU Script List tool.
Step 2
Select the ICM Script/VRU Script Name you want to execute.
Step 3
Optionally, modify the Comments tab
Step 4
Optionally, modify the Labels tab.
Step 5
When finished, click OK to submit the changes and close the dialog box.
Using Unified CVP Micro-Applications
Note: Not all third-party ASR servers use Unified CVP micro-application parameters in the
same manner. This affects how third-party ASR servers interact with the Unified CVP
micro-applications. For example, although Unified CVP allows timeout parameters to be set to
a value in the range of 1 to 99 seconds, a particular ASR server may only support a range of 1
to 32 seconds. Another ASR server requires a "#" to indicate that digits are to be collected before
the inter-digit timeout is reached. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by your
third-party vendor. 
Also, be sure to test all of your micro-applications before deploying them.
The sections that follow describe the parameters that can be defined through ICM Configuration
Manager for each of the five Unified CVP micro-applications.
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 4: Writing Scripts for Unified CVP
Using Unified CVP Micro-Applications