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The period of time between the CONNECT from ICM and when the call
is answered. The metric includes the average latency computation for all
the calls that have been answered in the last statistics aggregation interval.
Avg Latency Connect to Answer
The total number of failed SIP transfers since system start time. When
Unified CVP attempts to make a transfer to the first destination of the call,
Failed SIP Transfers (Pre-Dialog)
it sends the initial INVITE request to set up the caller with the ICM routed
destination label. The metric does not include rejections due to the SIP
Service not running. The metric includes failed transfers that were made
after a label was returned from the ICM Server in a CONNECT message.
The number of failed re-invite requests on either the inbound or outbound
legs of the call during the interval. After a SIP dialog is established,
Failed SIP Transfers (Post-Dialog)
re-INVITE messages are used to perform transfers. Re-invite requests can
originate from the endpoints or else be initiated by a Unified CVP transfer
from the Unified ICME script. This counter includes failures for both kinds
of re-invite requests.
Aggregate Statistics
The time the service started collecting statistics.
Start Time
The amount of time that has elapsed since the service start time.
Duration Elapsed
The number of SIP Invite messages received by Unified CVP since system
start time. It includes the failed calls as well as calls rejected due to the SIP
service being out of service.
Total New Calls
The number of CONNECT messages received by SIP service in order to
perform a Unified CVP Transfer, since system start time. Connects Received
Connects Received
includes the regular Unified CVP transfers as well as Refer transfers. Any
label coming from the ICM service is considered a CONNECT message,
whether it is a label to send to the VRU or a label to transfer to an agent.
The period of time between the CONNECT from ICM and when the call
is answered. The metric includes the average latency computation for all
the calls that have been answered since system start up time.
Avg Latency Connect to Answer
The total number of failed transfers on the first CVP transfer since system
start time. A SIP dialog is established after the first CVP transfer is
Failed SIP Transfers (Pre-Dialog)
completed. The metric does not include rejections due to SIP being out of
service. The metric includes failed transfers that were made after a label
was returned from the ICM in a CONNECT message.
The number of failed re-invite requests on either the inbound or outbound
legs of the call since start time. After a SIP dialog is established, re-INVITE
Failed SIP Transfers (Post-Dialog)
messages are used to perform transfers. Re-invite requests can originate
from the endpoints or else be initiated by a Unified CVP transfer from the
Unified ICME script. This counter includes failures for both kinds of
re-invite requests.
H.323 Service Call Statistics
The H.323 Service call statistics include data on calls currently being processed by the H.323
Service, new calls received during a specified interval, and total calls processed since the H.323
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 8: - Configuring Unified CVP Logging and Event Notifications
About Event Statistics