Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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<return event=””/>
<catch event = “”>
<return event=””/>
<catch event = “”>
<return event=””/>
<catch event = “error”>
<return event=”error”/>
External VoiceXML File Contents
An external VoiceXML file must obey the following rules:
It must not use the <transfer>, <exit> or <disconnect> elements. However, it can use the
<Goto> and <submit> elements.
It must have <return> elements at all exit points in the document.
It must check for all error events and the “telephone.disconnect.hangup” event. Each event
handler must have a <return> element that includes the “event” attribute.
It must contain <catch> event handlers for all events thrown by the Gateway. These catch
handlers can have their own customer-defined logic, but they must include the statements
that are listed in the sample VoiceXML provided in the previous section.
The External VoiceXML document example that follows illustrates the contents of a VoiceXML
document that follows these rules.
Note: This example assumes that the VRU Script Name value is PM,CustomerVXML,V.
External VoiceXML Document Example
<?xml version="2.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
<form id="CustomerVXML" scope="dialog">
<prompt bargein="true">
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 4: - Writing Scripts for Unified CVP
Using Unified CVP Micro-Applications