Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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VoiceXML Logs
Note: Refer to the Support Tools documentation for more information about viewing logs.
About VoiceXML Logs
VoiceXML logs record Unified CVP system-specific information, such as heartbeat status. By
default, VoiceXML logs are stored in the \Cisco\CVP\logs\VXML folder.
Note: These logs are configured and viewed using Support Tools.
The table that follows describes the logs that VoiceXML creates.
Log Name
Log Type
Unified CVP logs for the VoiceXML Service: This
includes Notice, Info, and Debug logs. With Debug turned
on, you can also see Call, Message, and Method trace
types of logs.
Unified CVP error log: This contains any error that
Unified CVP Services and message layer has generated.
Error messages
Correlating Unified CVP/Unified ICME Logs with VXML Server Logs
When using the VXML Server option in the Unified CVP solution, you can correlate Unified
CVP/Unified ICME logs with VoiceXML logs. To do this, you need to pass the Call ID to the
VXML Server by URL.
To configure logging, do the following:
Step 1
In the Unified ICME script, use the formula editor to set ToExtVXML[1]. Set 
= concatenate("callid=",
 to the contents of the
User.microapp.media_id ECC Variable.
• Always include "callid" when sending the call to the VXML Server using the Comprehensive
call flow model.
• When you concatenate multiple values, use a semi-colon for the delimiter, for example
ToExtVXML[1] = concatenate("callid=",;RCD=
Step 2
In the VXML Server, ensure that it logs the callid to the VXML Server trace files. In the VXML
Server, to log to the trace files, do the following:
Select the Subdialog Start element.
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 8: Configuring Unified CVP Logging and Event Notifications
VoiceXML Logs