Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads

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Comprehensive Call Flow Model Exercise
The overall goal of the Comprehensive Call Flow Model exercise is to provide experience with
the Comprehensive Call Flow model in a simple CVP test environment. The test environment
incorporates the CVP VXML server, call server, and reporting server in a single all-in-one-box
configuration. It also uses a voice gateway with browser. The single box gateway incorporates
the elements needed for both the ingress gateway and the voice browser as described in
 (call flow description). The ICM installation in this exercise
is also a simplified all-in-one-box version suitable only for a test environment.
For a description of the major elements in this exercise, refer to 
The Comprehensive Call Flow Model exercise can be performed independently of the other
exercises in this guide, or, as the next task after completing the standalone exercises presented
in the prior chapters.
For an explanation of the Comprehensive Call Flow Model, refer to the Configuration and
Administration Guide for Cisco United Customer Voice Portal
Individual goals for this exercise include:
Successfully complete a call that requests Cisco's built-in voice application, HelloWorld.
The caller should be able to use either a standard analog phone connected to your gateway's
FXS port or a VoIP call using Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Successfully complete a call that requests the custom voice application (customhelloworld)
you created using Call Studio. If you have not created this application, refer to the 
 for more information.
Extend the basic customhelloworld ICM script to transfer the call to another phone.
Use the reporting server, included with the CVP installation to place call data into the cvp_data
Informix database and retrieve that data.
Getting Started with Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 8.0(0)
 Chapter 9