Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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If it returns 'IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version -- Quiescent…', change
the database to multiuser mode by typing: onmode -m then wait 2 minutes, and recheck
the status by typing: onstat –
If it returns 'IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version -- On-Line', the database
is ready to support the Unified CVP application
Database Users
Unified CVP defines four categories of database users. The four categories are instance owner
(informix), database administrator, application user, and reporting user.
Instance Owner
During the Unified CVP installation, a user named 
 is created. This user owns the
Informix instance and can run the IDS service. This account should never be used to access the
Unified CVP database.
Database Administrator
 user will create, update, and own the database. This account should not be
used to run the database or to run reports against the system.
The cvp_dbadmin user can create and delete reporting users and perform database administrative
activities, such as purge and backup.
Application User
The Unified CVP JDBC uses 
 to access the Informix database. This user has the
rights to connect, insert, update, and delete records in the Unified CVP database. If this user's
password expires, then data insertion and purge will fail. This could result in data loss.
Reporting User
Reporting users are created and deleted by a database administrator using the Operations Console.
Multiple reporting users are allowed. Reporting users have read-only access to the Unified CVP
Only reporting users should be allowed to generate reports. As stated previously, reporting users
have read-only database access; therefore, they cannot accidentally modify the database schema
or database data.
Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 7.0(1)
Chapter 3: Managing the Database
Database Users