Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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Managing the Database
The Reporting Service does not itself perform database administrative and maintenance activities
such as backups or purges. However, Unified CVP provides access to such maintenance tasks
through the Operations Console.
Caution: The management of database and reporting users must be done using the
Operations Console. This ensures that all dependencies are synchronized. The changing
of passwords outside of this tool could result in the Reporting Server not being able to
connect to the database.
These same conditions will arise if passwords expire. If you implement a password
expiration policy, then ensure that you remember to use the Operations Console to change
the Informix, Database Administrator, and Database Users (see 
) passwords before the passwords expire to avoid the possibility of data loss and/or
There are a number of concepts that it is necessary to keep in mind when managing the database.
These concepts are discussed in this chapter.
Note: The following maintenance tasks are supported by Unified CVP: database backups and
data purges. Database backup and purge cannot run at the same time. Purge should be scheduled
at least 3 hours before a backup. These jobs, as well as on-demand backup, should be run at
low call and reporting volume times. From the perspective of Unified CVP, database backups
are optional, data purges are mandatory. However, from the perspective of the user, database
backups should not be considered optional. See the discussion below.
The database backup and purge maintenance tasks are created as Windows Scheduled Tasks,
and can be viewed in the Scheduled Tasks window (Start > Programs > Accessories > System
Tools > Scheduled Tasks). Periodically, you should check the Scheduled Tasks to ensure that
the 'Last Run Time' was as expected and there are no status messages.
This section contains the following topics:
Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.0(1)
 Chapter 2