Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads

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The geographic scenarios discussed are:
Centralized Single-Site
Centralized Multi-Site
Centralized Branch
Standalone Branch
Note: A couple of geographic considerations have already been discussed with regard to specific
call flow models. These are "Special Considerations for Standalone Models with ICM Lookup",
which was discussed under the Standalone VXML call flow scenario; and "SIP Coresident with
VRU PG", which was discussed under the Call Director call flow scenario.
Centralized Single-Site Geography
This geography is most suited to small to medium centralized enterprises. It places all Unified
CVP solution components at one site, including the Ingress Gateways. Agents need not be
physically located at the data center. Callers generally dial a small array of toll-free numbers,
paid for by the enterprise, to reach Unified CVP. An entire site outage obviously brings down
the whole operation, but failures of individual components cause minimal operational impact
if the solution is properly designed for high availability.
For this geography, all of the call flow models are supported.
Centralized Multi-Site Geography
This geography is identical to the Single-Site version, except that many or all components are
duplicated at two or more data centers. The sites can be designed such that one remains
completely dormant unless one of its sibling sites is disabled, in which case it takes over all the
traffic from the disabled site. Or, they can be designed such that activity is distributed across
all sites all the time, but that each site contains enough excess capacity so that traffic from one
failed site can be absorbed by the remaining sites.
Under this geography, callers generally dial the same small array of toll-free numbers that were
used in the Single-Site version. The PSTN distributes these calls across ingress points at all the
sites. Once calls enter a site and need to be handled by various components, Unified CVP can
be configured to prefer that call handling remain within one site, with the ability to involve
components at other sites if the capacity is needed or if individual components fail over.
As with the Single-Site geography, all of the call flow models are supported.
Centralized Branch Geography
Centralized Branch geography is very much the same as the two previous Centralized
geographies, except that a combined Ingress and VXML Gateway is physically located in each
branch office. A retailer with a thousand stores, for example, would place a gateway in each
Planning Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 4.0(1)
Chapter 3: Choosing a Deployment Model
Geographic Models