Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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The Unified CVP solution feature set includes:
IP-based switching. Unified Customer Voice Portal can transfer calls over an IP network.
IP-based Takeback. Unified Customer Voice Portal can take back a transferred call for
further IVR treatment or transfer.
IP-based IVR services. The classic prompt-and-collect functions: “Press 1 for Sales, 2 for
service,” and so forth.
IP-based queuing. Calls can be “parked” on Unified Customer Voice Portal for prompting,
music on hold, and so forth, while waiting for a call center agent to be available.
Compatibility with the Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN). Calls can be moved
onto an IP-based network for Unified Customer Voice Portal treatment and then moved back
out to a PSTN for further call routing to a call center.
Carrier-class platform. Unified Customer Voice Portal’s reliability, redundancy, and
scalability allow it to work with Service Provider and large Enterprise networks.
IP-based Voice Enabled IVR Services. Unified Customer Voice Portal provides for
sophisticated self-service applications, such as banking, brokerage, or airline reservations.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The ability to switch calls using SIP rather than, or in
addition to, H.323.
Operations Console. The ability to monitor and configure the entire Unified CVP solution
from a single operations console.
Reporting. The ability to provide custom reports on the activities of Unified CVP components,
Unified CVP IVR applications, and Unified CVP IVR callers.
Unified CVP Solution Components
In its most sophisticated deployments, Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal can be complex.
The solution is made up of many kinds of components, most of which can be multiplied for
scalability and/or reliability purposes. As indicated above, some of these components are part
of the Unified CVP product, others are not. The introduction of the Operations Console in
Unified CVP 4.0 has simplified the means by which these many components are dealt with, but
it has not reduced the number of components.
To be sure, any given deployment of Unified CVP need not use all the components that are
available. The various deployments and ways of looking at them (call flow models, geographic
models, physical models, models that involve Unified ICME) are discussed in 
. However, let us begin by looking at all of the
One way to survey the various Unified CVP solution components is to review a typical call
Planning Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 4.0(1)
Chapter 1: Product Overview
Unified CVP Solution Components