Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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Developer Services
Questions and/or support issues related to such items as VoiceXML Studio scripting or ASR
grammar ARE NOT covered by Cisco Technical Support.
Note: Cisco Technical Support is limited to standard Cisco product installation/configuration,
and Cisco-developed applications—it does not include services or support for items such as
those just mentioned. A separate service agreement and subscription fee is required to participate
in the Developer Services Program. For more details on how to subscribe, go to Getting Started!
on the Developer Support Web site at 
Developers using VoiceXML Studio scripts, ASR, and the like may be interested in joining the
Cisco Developer Services Program. This fee-based subscription program was created to provide
you with a consistent level of Services that you can depend on while leveraging Cisco interfaces
in your development projects.
The Developer Services Program provides formalized services for Cisco Systems interfaces to
enable developers, customers, and partners in the Cisco Technology Developer Program to
accelerate their delivery of compatible solutions.
The Developer Services Engineers are an extension of the product technology engineering
teams. They have direct access to the resources necessary to provide expert support in a timely
For additional information, refer to Frequently asked Questions about the Program and Support
under Q&A on the Developer Support Web site at 
Planning Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 4.0(1)
 Chapter 11