Cisco Cisco Computer Telephony Integration OS 8.5 Guía Del Desarrollador

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CTI OS Developer’s Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions Release 7.0(0)
Chapter 5      CTI OS ActiveX Controls
The Silent Monitor StandAlone ActiveX Control
The Silent Monitor StandAlone ComObject is supported for use on IPCC only.
The Standalone ComObject wraps calls to the CTI OS Session as well as 
SilentMonitor manager. It provides the following four methods (displayed in IDL 
format; IDL is the language used to define COM interfaces).
interface ISilentMonitor : IDispatch
[id(1), helpstring("method Connect to CTIOS")] HRESULT Connect 
([in] IArguments * args, [out] int* returnvalue);
[id(2), helpstring("method Disconnect to CTIOS")] HRESULT 
Disconnect (/*[in] IArguments * args, [out] int* returnvalue*/);
[id(3), helpstring("method StartMonitoring to CTIOS")] HRESULT 
StartMonitoring ([in] IArguments * args, [out] int* returnvalue);
[id(4), helpstring("method StopMonitoring to CTIOS")] HRESULT 
StopMonitoring ([in] IArguments * args, [out] int* returnvalue);
The Connect method establishes a Monitor Mode Session with the specified CTI 
OS Server. The syntax and parameters are the same as for the CTI OS session 
object Connect method (see 
The Disconnect method disconnects an established session. This method has no 
required parameters. See 
for syntax and optional parameters.
The StartMonitoing method starts a Silent Monitor Session.The StartMonitoring 
Arguments array contains the following parameters,