Cisco Cisco MediaSense Release 9.1(1) Información de licencia

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             Open Source Used In Cisco MediaSense 11.5(1)                                                                                                                                    976
wordlist, after install. Otherwise it will not install the dictionaries.
This is left as a manual step since on some systems generating the
dictionary index can be time consuming.
Original CrackLib 2.7 README
CrackLib:A ProActive Password Sanity Library
By: Alec Muffett
Date:Sun Dec 14 22:16:48 GMT 1997
- This software is not my fault in any way, nor indeed anybody's -
*** What is CrackLib ***
CrackLib is a library containing a C function (well, lots of functions
really, but you only need to use one of them) which may be used in a
"passwd"-like program.
The idea is simple: try to prevent users from choosing passwords that
could be guessed by "Crack" by filtering them out, at source.
CrackLib is an offshoot of the the version 5 "Crack" software, and
contains a considerable number of ideas nicked from the new software.
At the time of writing, Crack 5 is incomplete (still awaiting purchase
of my home box) - but I though I could share this with you.
[ Incidentally, if Dell or anyone would like to "donate" a Linuxable
486DX2-66MHz box (EISA/16Mb RAM/640MB HD/AHA1740) as a development
platform for Crack, I'd be more than grateful to hear from you.  8-) ]
NOTE THIS WELL: CrackLib is NOT a replacement "passwd" program.
CrackLib is a LIBRARY.  CrackLib is what trendy marketdroid types would
probably call an "enabler".
The idea is that you wire it into your _own_ "passwd" program (if you
have source); alternatively, you wire it into something like "shadow"
from off of the net.  You can use it in other things, too.
You can use it almost _everywhere_.