Cisco Cisco Content Security Management Appliance M390 Guía Del Usuario

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AsyncOS 8.1 for Cisco Content Security Management User Guide
Chapter 13      Distributing Administrative Tasks
Step 5
Submit and commit your changes. 
Requiring Users to Change Passwords at Next Login 
To require all or selected users to change their passwords the next time they access the Security 
Management appliance, perform the steps in this procedure. This is a one-time action. 
To automate a periodic requirement for changing passwords, use the Password Reset option described in 
Password Rules: 
Require at least 
<number> characters. 
Enter the minimum number of characters that passwords may contain.
You can enter any number zero (0) or higher. 
Password Rules:
Require at least one 
number (0-9).
Choose whether or not the passwords must contain at least one number.
Password Rules:
Require at least one 
special character.
Choose whether or not the passwords must contain at least one special 
character. Passwords may contain the following special characters:
~ ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + =
\ | / [ ] ( ) < > { } ` ' " ; : , .
Password Rules:
Ban usernames and 
their variations as 
Choose whether or not the password are allowed to be the same as the 
associated user name or variations on the user name. When user name 
variations are banned, the following rules apply to passwords:
The password may not be the same as the user name, regardless of case.
The password may not be the same as the user name in reverse, regardless 
of case.
The password may not be the same as the user name or reversed user 
name with the following character substitutions:
"@" or "4" for "a"
"3" for "e"
"|", "!", or "1" for "i"
"0" for "o"
"$" or "5" for "s"
"+" or "7" for "t"
Password Rules:
Ban reuse of the last 
<number> passwords.
Choose whether or not users are allowed to choose a recently used password 
when they are forced to change the password. If they are not allowed to reuse 
recent passwords, enter the number of recent passwords that are banned from 
You can enter any number from one (1) to 15. Default is three (3).
Table 13-2
Local User Account and Password Settings (continued)