Cisco Cisco UCS B22 M3 Blade Server Guía De Información

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NTT Data Corporation
Toyosu Center Building, 3-3, Toyosu 
3-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo
May 1988
142,520 million yen (as of March 2011)
Number of employees: 
10,139 (as of March 2011)
1,161,900 million yen (results for FY2010)
NTT Data Corporation is one of Japan’s 
leading IT companies. Defining its 
group vision as, “Becoming a Global IT 
Innovator,” (a company that uses IT to 
transform society on a global scale), it 
has a wealth of experience and a proven 
track-record in developing and operating 
platform systems and shared data 
centers for industry. Besides expanding 
its solutions and providing cross-group 
services, the company has established a 
workforce roughly 24,000 strong in 145 
cities in 34 countries, and is also engaged 
in an aggressive global business roll-
out. By using IT to create new systems 
and new value, NTT Data continues to 
contribute to the realization of a more 
affluent and harmonious society. 
Note: “BIZXAAS” is a registered trademark of 
NTT Data Corporation in Japan.
Nor should the energy-saving benefits be overlooked. Less energy is used because 
the system as a whole consists of fewer constituent elements and because Cisco UCS 
is itself designed to save power. CO
 emissions have also been reduced by 79%. It has 
been estimated that over a five-year period, the cumulative reduction will be 3,540 
“We definitely saw Cisco UCS as an advanced product, but to be honest, what with 
Cisco being a network vendor, we had some misgivings about whether Cisco servers 
would really be OK,” admits Mr. Kirita. In 2009, evaluation on the actual machines 
had already been carried out within NTT Data’s in-house R&D department and the 
company had concluded that there were no problems with reliability or performance. 
He recalls, however, that until the hardware was actually in use, some unease 
remained. Nevertheless, once the servers were up and running these doubts proved 
completely unfounded. “We have not had any trouble with our hardware since we 
installed the system. Its operation is very stable” he says. 
At present, the migration of the in-house IT system is proceeding in an orderly fashion 
and extra blade servers have also been installed. As of August 2011, there are 24 
blades. The whole system migration is scheduled to be completed by the end of 
FY2012 and at that point a total of 32 blades should be in place. 
Expertise acquired on in-house IT system also applied to 
cloud-based BIZXAAS service
“I firmly believe that this in-house IT system innovation project will become an 
exemplary model of cloud-platform development in the industry,” says Mr. Makoto 
Yoshioka, Senior Executive Manager, System Engineering Business Unit, System 
Platforms Sector, NTT Data Corporation. He explains that the expertise acquired 
on this project is also being applied to the BIZXAAS service provided by NTT Data. 
BIZXAAS is a comprehensive cloud service covering a wide range of areas from 
optimization consulting to migration, cloud development, operation management, and 
platform services. Released in February 2010, the service was launched in April of the 
same year. 
“’Cloud’ has been around as a buzzword and in concept. With the arrival of Cisco 
UCS, the platform has finally caught up to the buzz”, says Mr. Yoshioka. He goes 
on to explain how, by combining Cisco’s leading-edge technology with the social 
information infrastructure and the extensive track-record in IT system-development 
accumulated by NTT Data, they will be able to deliver optimal cloud-platform-
development solutions. “Japanese businesses are in an ever more difficult economic 
environment, and increasingly demand an optimized cloud platform. Cisco is a critical 
business partner as we drive this opportunity forward.”
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The use of the term “Partner” does not imply a partnership between Cisco Systems, Inc., and any other company. (0809R)
The information provided herein is as of August 2011, and may be changed without prior notice. 
Cisco Systems G.K.
Midtown Tower, 9-7-1, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-6227 Japan
Contact: Cisco Contact Center
0120-092-255 (Toll-free call - Cellular phones and PHSs are also available)
Time: 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 (Business day)