Cisco Cisco ASA 5512-X Adaptive Security Appliance Manual Técnica

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XML Examples for the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Security Device Package, Version 1.2(1)
  Network Time Protocol
XML Example
    <fvTenant name="tenant1">
        <vnsLDevVip name="Firewall">
                <vnsDevFolder key="Timeouts" name="TO">
                    <vnsDevParam key="Connection" name="conn1" value="2:0:59"/>
Network Time Protocol 
This XML example turns on the Network Time Protocol (NTP) feature that defines the server to use.
ASA Configuration
ntp server prefer
XML Example
    <fvTenant name="tenant1">
        <vnsLDevVip name="Firewall">
            <vnsDevFolder key="NTP" name="NTP">
                <vnsDevFolder key="NTPServer" name="NTPServer">
                    <vnsDevParam key="server" name="server" value=""/>
      <vnsDevParam key="prefer" name="prefer" value="enable"/>
Smart Call-Home
This XML example turns on the Smart Call-Home feature with anonymous reporting. 
ASA Configuration
call-home reporting anonymous