Cisco Cisco ASA 5585-X Adaptive Security Appliance Manual Técnica

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XML Examples for the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Security Device Package
  Intrusion Prevention System
Intrusion Prevention System 
This XML example sets up the Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) feature. The example shows how to 
match traffic to a previously created access list, ACL1, and enables IPS as inline and fail-open. Also 
included is IPS on internal and global interfaces.
ASA Configuration
class-map ips_internalIf
 match access-list ACL1
policy-map internalIf
 class ips_internalIf
  ips inline fail-open
service-policy internalIf interface internalIf
XML Example
    <fvTenant name="tenant1">
        <vnsAbsGraph name = "WebGraph">
            <vnsAbsNode name = "FW1">
                  <vnsAbsFolder key="Interface" name="internalIf">
                       <vnsAbsFolder key="ServicePolicy" name="IPS-Policy">
                            <vnsAbsParam key="ServicePolicyState" name="PolicyState" value="enable"/>
                            <vnsAbsFolder key="IPS" name="IPS">
                               <vnsAbsCfgRel key="TrafficSelection" name="TrafficSelect" targetName="ACL1"/>
                               <vnsAbsFolder key="IPSSettings" name="IPSSettingsA">
                                    <vnsAbsParam key="operate_mode" name="operate_mode" value="inline"/>
                                    <vnsAbsParam key="fail_mode" name="fail_mode" value="fail-open"/> 
Network Objects
This XML example sets up a network object with a host IP address and description. 
ASA Configuration
object network ilinux1
 description User1 laptop