Cisco Cisco ASA 5585-X with No Payload Encryption Manual Técnica

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XML Examples for the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Security Device Package
  Threat Detection
Threat Detection
This XML example sets up a basic threat detection rate for an ACL drop.
ASA Configuration
threat-detection rate acl-drop rate-interval 600 average-rate 0 burst-rate 0
XML Example (Basic Threat Detection)
    <fvTenant name="tenant1">
        <vnsLDevVip name="Firewall">
                  <vnsDevFolder key="BasicThreatDetection" name="BasicTD">
                    <vnsDevParam key="basic_threat" name="Basic1" value="enable"/>
                    <vnsDevFolder key="BasicThreatDetectionRateAclDrop" name="BasicTDACL">
                        <vnsDevParam key="rate_status" name="rs1" value="enable"/>
                        <vnsDevParam key="rate_interval" name="ri1" value="600"/>
                        <vnsDevParam key="average_rate" name="ar1" value="0"/>
                        <vnsDevParam key="burst_rate" name="br1" value="0"/>
XML Example (Scanning Threat Detection)
This XML example sets up the scanning threat detection rate.
ASA Configuration
threat-detection rate scanning-threat rate-interval 600 average-rate 100 burst-rate 40
threat-detection scanning-threat shun
    <fvTenant name="tenant1">
        <vnsLDevVip name="Firewall">
                <vnsDevFolder key="ScanningThreatDetection" name="ScanTD1">
                    <vnsDevParam key="scanning_threat" name="Scan1" value="enable"/>
                    <vnsDevParam key="shun_status" name="Shun1" value="enable"/>
                    <vnsDevFolder key="ScanningThreatRate" name="ScanTDrate">
                        <vnsDevParam key="status" name="r1" value="enable"/>
                        <vnsDevParam key="average_rate" name="ar1" value="100"/>
                        <vnsDevParam key="rate_interval" name="ri1" value="600"/>
                        <vnsDevParam key="burst_rate" name="br1" value="40"/>