Cisco Cisco ASA 5545-X Adaptive Security Appliance - No Payload Encryption Manual Técnica

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XML Examples for the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Security Device Package
  Domain Name System
Domain Name System 
This XML example turns on the Domain Name System (DNS) feature, links it to the utility interface, 
and specifies which domain name and server IP to use. 
ASA Configuration
You must preconfigure the utility interface on the ASA using the nameif management-utility 
dns domain-lookup management-utility
dns server-group DefaultDNS
 domain-name testDomain
XML Example
    <fvTenant name="tenant1">
        <vnsLDevVip name="Firewall">
            <vnsDevFolder key="DNS" name="DNS">
                <vnsDevParam key="domain_name" name="domain_name" value="testDomain"/>
                <vnsDevParam key="name_server" name="name_server" value=""/>
Connection Limits
This XML example shows connection limits associated with interfaces (global connection limits are not 
supported), matches any traffic, and sets up the maximum number of connections that are allowed. Also 
included are connection limits on internal and external interfaces.
ASA Configuration
class-map connlimits_internalIf
 match any
policy-map internalIf
 class connlimits_internalIf
  set connection conn-max 654 embryonic-conn-max 456 
service-policy internalIf interface internalIf