Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C160 Referencia técnica

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CLI Reference Guide for AsyncOS 10.0 for Cisco Email Security Appliances
Chapter 3      The Commands: Reference Examples
auxiliary object class defined in the expired Internet Draft draft-lachman-laser-ldap-mail-routing-xx.txt
also sometimes known as “the Laser spec.” (A version of this draft is included with the OpenLDAP 
source distribution.) Note that in this example, the alternate mailhost to use for queried recipients in the 
mail re-routing query is 
. Remember that query names are case-sensitive and 
must match exactly in order to return the proper results.> ldapconfig
No LDAP server configurations.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new server configuration.
- SETUP - Configure LDAP options.
[]> new
Please create a name for this server configuration (Ex: "PublicLDAP"):
[]> PublicLDAP
Please enter the hostname:
Use SSL to connect to the LDAP server? [N]> n
Select the authentication method to use for this server configuration:
1. Anonymous
2. Passphrase based
[1]> 2
Please enter the bind username:
Please enter the bind passphrase:
Connect to LDAP server to validate setting? [Y]
Connecting to the LDAP server, please wait...
Select the server type to use for this server configuration:
1. Active Directory
2. OpenLDAP
3. Unknown or Other
[3]> 1
Please enter the port number:
[3268]> 3268
Please enter the base:
[dc=example,dc=com]> dc=example,dc=com
Name: PublicLDAP
Hostname: Port 3268
Server Type: Active Directory
Authentication Type: passphrase
Base: dc=example,dc=com
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- SERVER - Change the server for the query.
- TEST - Test the server configuration.
- LDAPACCEPT - Configure whether a recipient address should be accepted or
- LDAPROUTING - Configure message routing.
- MASQUERADE - Configure domain masquerading.
- LDAPGROUP - Configure whether a sender or recipient is in a specified group.