Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance X1070 Referencia técnica

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Cisco AsyncOS 8.0.1 CLI Reference Guide
The appliance accepts the message for a Pass result unless you configure the SIDF Compatible 
conformance level to downgrade a Pass result of the PRA identity to None if there are Resent-Sender: 
or Resent-From: headers present in the message. The appliance then takes the SMTP action specified for 
when the PRA check returns None.
If you choose not to define the SMTP actions for an identity check, the appliance automatically accepts 
all verification results, including Fail.
The appliance terminates the session if the identity verification result matches a REJECT action for any 
of the enabled identity checks. For example, an administrator configures a listener to accept messages 
based on all HELO identity check results, including Fail, but also configures it to reject messages for a 
Fail result from the MAIL FROM identity check. If a message fails the HELO identity check, the session 
proceeds because the appliance accepts that result. If the message then fails the MAIL FROM identity 
check, the listener terminates the session and then returns the STMP response for the REJECT action.
The SMTP response is a code number and message that the appliance returns when it rejects a message 
based on the SPF/SIDF verification result. The TempError result returns a different SMTP response from 
the other verification results. For TempError, the default response code is 451 and the default message 
text is 
#4.4.3 Temporary error occurred during SPF verification
. For all other verification results, 
the default response code is 550 and the default message text is 
#5.7.1 SPF unauthorized mail is 
. You can specify your own response code and message text for TempError and the other 
verification results. 
Optionally, you can configure the appliance to return a third-party response from the SPF publisher 
domain if the REJECT action is taken for Neutral, SoftFail, or Fail verification result. By default, the 
appliance returns the following response:
 550-#5.7.1 SPF unauthorized mail is prohibited.
    550-The domain explains:
    550 <Response text from SPF domain publisher>
To enable these SPF/SIDF settings, use the 
listenerconfig -> edit
 subcommand and select a listener. 
Then use the 
hostaccess -> default
 subcommand to edit the Host Access Table’s default settings. 
Answer yes to the following prompts to configure the SPF controls:
Would you like to change SPF/SIDF settings?  [N]> yes
Would you like to perform SPF/SIDF Verification?  [Y]> yes