Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C160 Referencia técnica

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C H A P T E R   3 :   T H E   C O M M A N D S :   R E F E R E N C E   E X A M P L E S
1. Default
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new profile.
- EDIT - Modify a profile.
[]> new
Please create a name for the profile:
[]> bounceprofile
Please enter the maximum number of retries.
[100]> 100
Please enter the maximum number of seconds a message may stay in the 
queue before being hard bounced.
[259200]> 259200
Please enter the initial number of seconds to wait before retrying a 
[60]> 60
Please enter the maximum number of seconds to wait before retrying a 
[3600]> 3600
Do you want a message sent for each hard bounce? (Yes/No/Default) [Y]> 
Do you want bounce messages to use the DSN message format? (Yes/No/
Default) [Y]> y
If a message is undeliverable after some interval, do you want to send 
a delay warning message? (Yes/No/Default) [N]> y
Please enter the minimum interval in seconds between delay warning 
[14400]> 14400
Please enter the maximum number of delay warning messages to send per
[1]> 1
Do you want hard bounce and delay warning messages sent to an 
alternate address, instead of the sender? [N]> y
Code Example 3-71 
- Creating a Bounce Profile