Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C190 Prospecto

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AsyncOS 9.6 for Cisco Email Security Appliances CLI 참조 가이드
     명령참조 예제
  SMTP 서비스 컨피그레이션
SMTP Authentication: Disabled
Bounce Profile: Default
Use SenderBase For Reputation Filters and IP Profiling: Yes
Footer: None
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NAME - Change the name of the listener.
- INTERFACE - Change the interface.
- LIMITS - Change the injection limits.
- SETUP - Configure general options.
- HOSTACCESS - Modify the Host Access Table.
- RCPTACCESS - Modify the Recipient Access Table.
- BOUNCECONFIG - Choose the bounce profile to use for messages injected on this listener.
- MASQUERADE - Configure the Domain Masquerading Table.
- DOMAINMAP - Configure domain mappings.
[]> hostaccess
Default Policy Parameters
Allow TLS Connections: No
Allow SMTP Authentication: No
Require TLS To Offer SMTP authentication: No
Maximum Concurrency Per IP: 1,000
Maximum Message Size: 100M
Maximum Messages Per Connection: 1,000
Maximum Recipients Per Message: 1,000
Maximum Recipients Per Hour: Disabled
Use SenderBase For Flow Control: Yes
Spam Detection Enabled: Yes
Virus Detection Enabled: Yes
There are currently 4 policies defined.
There are currently 5 sender groups.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new entry.
- EDIT - Modify an entry.
- DELETE - Remove an entry.
- MOVE - Move an entry.
- DEFAULT - Set the defaults.
- PRINT - Display the table.
- IMPORT - Import a table from a file.
- EXPORT - Export the table to a file.
- CLEAR - Remove all entries.
[]> import
Enter the name of the file to import:
[]> inbound.HAT.txt
9 entries imported successfully.
Default Policy Parameters
Allow TLS Connections: No
Allow SMTP Authentication: No
Require TLS To Offer SMTP authentication: No
Maximum Concurrency Per IP: 1,000
Maximum Message Size: 100M
Maximum Messages Per Connection: 1,000
Maximum Recipients Per Message: 1,000
Maximum Recipients Per Hour: Disabled
Use SenderBase For Flow Control: Yes