Cisco Cisco Identity Services Engine 2.1 Manual Técnica

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According to column number expect multiple rows (vertical attributes/groups retured result)
2016-08-28 14:01:01,140 DEBUG [Thread-3076][] cisco.cpm.odbcidstore.impl.OdbcConnection -:::-
Fetched data: SecurityLevel=10
2016-08-28 14:01:01,140 DEBUG [Thread-3076][] cisco.cpm.odbcidstore.impl.OdbcConnection -:::-
Results successfully parsed from recordset
2016-08-28 14:01:01,140 DEBUG [Thread-3076][] cisco.cpm.odbcidstore.impl.OdbcConnection -:::-
Result code indicates success
2016-08-28 14:01:01,140 DEBUG [Thread-3076][] cisco.cpm.odbcidstore.impl.OdbcConnectionPool -
:::- OdbcConnectionPool - release connection
2016-08-28 14:01:01,140 DEBUG [Thread-3076][] cisco.cpm.odbcidstore.impl.OdbcConnectionPool -
:::- OdbcConnectionPool - connections in use: 0
2016-08-28 14:01:01,140 DEBUG [Thread-3076][] cisco.cpm.odbcidstore.impl.OdbcIdStore -:::- Call
to ODBC DB succeeded
2016-08-28 14:01:01,140 DEBUG [Thread-3076][] cisco.cpm.odbcidstore.impl.CustomerLog -:::- Write
customer log message: 24873
2016-08-28 14:01:01,141 DEBUG [Thread-3076][] cisco.cpm.odbcidstore.impl.OdbcIdStore -:::- ODBC
ID Store Operation: Get all user attrs. Username=user1, Setting pgSQL.SecurityLevel to 10
2016-08-28 14:01:01,141 DEBUG [Thread-3076][] cisco.cpm.odbcidstore.impl.OdbcIdStore -:::- ODBC
ID Store Operation: Get all user attrs. Username=user1, Setting IdleTimeout to default value : 5
2016-08-28 14:01:01,141 DEBUG [Thread-3076][] cisco.cpm.odbcidstore.impl.OdbcIdStore -:::- ODBC
ID Store Operation: Get all user attrs. Username=user1, Setting pgSQL.IdleTimeout to 5