Cisco Cisco Packet Data Interworking Function (PDIF)

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Performance Indicator Changes
P2P Schema
In support of the SNI detection feature, the "p2p-protocol" bulk statistic variable in the P2P schema will
display the application protocol configured in the "set app-proto" string of TLS ruledef.
show active-charging analyzer statistics name cdp
The following new fields are added to the output of this new command:
• CDP Summary:
◦Total Uplink Bytes
◦Total Downlink Bytes
◦Total Uplink Pkts
◦Total Downlink Pkts
show active-charging flows type cdp
The following new fields are added to the output of this new command:
• Session ID
• Flow-ID
• Application Protocol
• Transport Protocol
• Tethered Flow
• Bytes-Up
• Bytes-Down
• Pkts-Up
• Pkts-Down
show active-charging ruledef name
In support of the SNI detection feature, this command displays the fields for TLS/SSL SNI and CDP as
configured in the TLS ruledef.
SNI Rule Variable Support in EDR
CSCuw10146 - Server Name Indication (SNI) name field support EDR for SSL flows
Applicable Products: GGSN, IPSG, PDSN, P-GW
   Release Change Reference, StarOS Release 19
ADC Changes in Release 19
SNI Rule Variable Support in EDR