Cisco Cisco Packet Data Interworking Function (PDIF)

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  show location-service 
show location-service statistics all  ▀   
Statistics and Counters Reference, StarOS Release 18   ▄  
show location-service statistics all 
Displays Location services (LCS) statistics for all Location services configured on the system. 
Table 435. 
show location-service statistics all
 Command Output Descriptions 
Message Statistics
PSL Request
The total number of Provide Subscriber Location Request messages received.
PSL Answer
The total number of Provide Subscriber Location Answer messages sent.
PSL Request Dropped
The total number of Provide Subscriber Location Request messages dropped.
PSL Answer Dropped
The total number of Provide Subscriber Location Answer messages dropped.
LR Request
The total number of Network Induced Location Request (NI-LR) request messages initiated by the 
LR Request Dropped
The total number of Location Request messages that were dropped (could not be sent) as a result of the 
peer being down.
LR Answer
The total number of Location Request acknowledge messages received.
LR Answer Dropped
The total number of Location Request acknowledge messages dropped. This can occur when the user 
name in the acknowledge message does not match that sent in the request. 
  In Release 16.0 and later, this counter is deprecated. 
LR Answer Timeout
The total number of Location Request acknowledge messages expected but not received before the 
timer expired.
Message Error Statistics
User Unknown
The total number of times the PLR was received for an unknown user (Error code: 5001).
Requestion Network
The total number of times the requesting GMLC’s network was not authorized to request UE location 
information (Error code: 5490).
Unreachable User
The total number of times a PLR was received for a user which could not be reached (Error code: 4221)
Suspended User
The total number of times the PLR was received for a user who is suspended in the MME (Error code: 
Detached User
The total number of times where the PLR was received for a detached user (Error code: 4223).
Positioning Denied
The total number of times the positioning procedure was denied (Error code: 4224).
Positioning Failed
The total number of times the positioning procedure failed (Error code: 4225).
Unreachable LCS 
The total number of times the GLMC indicated that the LCS Client was not known or could not be 
reached (Error code: 4226).