Cisco Cisco Packet Data Interworking Function (PDIF)

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  Session Recovery 
Configuring VPC-VSM to Support Session Recovery  ▀   
VPC-VSM System Administration Guide, StarOS Release 19  ▄  
Configuring VPC-VSM to Support Session Recovery 
The following procedures allow you to configure the session recovery feature for either an operational VPC-VSM 
instance that is currently in-service (able to accept incoming calls) or an instance that is out-of-service (not part of your 
production network and, therefore, not processing any live subscriber/customer data). 
  The session recovery feature, even when the feature use key is present, is disabled by default in 
  Session Recovery must be separately configured for each VPC-VSM instance (StarOS VM) running 
on VSM CPUs (one VM per CPU, up to four VMs per VSM). 
Enabling Session Recovery 
As noted previously, session recovery can be enabled on a VPC-VSM instance that is out-of-service (OOS) and does not 
yet have any contexts configured, or on an in-service system that is currently capable of processing calls. However, if 
the instance is in-service, it must be restarted before the session recovery feature takes effect. 
Enabling Session Recovery on an OOS Instance 
The following procedure is for a VPC-VSM instance that does not have any contexts configured. 
To enable the session recovery feature on an OOS instance, follow the procedure below. This procedure assumes that 
you begin at the StarOS CLI Exec mode prompt. 
Step 1 
At the Exec mode prompt, verify that the session recovery feature is enabled with a feature use license by running the 
show license info command. 
  If the current status of the Session Recovery feature is Disabled, you cannot enable this 
feature until a license key is installed in the instance. 
Step 2 
Use the following configuration example to enable session recovery. 
   require session recovery 
Step 3 
Save your configuration as described in the Verifying and Saving Your Configuration chapter. 
When started, StarOS enables session recovery, creates all mirrored “standby-mode” tasks, and performs packet 
processing reservations and other operations automatically. 
Step 4 
After a VPC-VSM instance has been configured and placed in-service, you should verify its preparedness to support 
this feature as described in