Cisco Cisco Packet Data Interworking Function (PDIF)

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  CSCF Service Thresholds 
Configuring CSCF Thresholds  ▀   
Thresholding Configuration Guide, StarOS Release 16  ▄  
         threshold error-presence <high_thresh> [ clear <low_thresh>
         threshold error-reg-auth <high_thresh> [ clear <low_thresh>
         threshold error-tcp <high_thresh> [ clear <low_thresh>
         threshold invite-rcvd-rate <high_thresh> [ clear <low_thresh>
         threshold reg-rcvd-rate <high_thresh> [ clear <low_thresh>
         threshold reg-total-active <high_thresh> [ clear <low_thresh>
         threshold route-failures <high_thresh> [ clear <low_thresh>
Configuring Threshold Poll Intervals 
The following threshold poll intervals can be configured for the CSCF Service: 
CSCF call setup failures 
CSCF total active calls 
CSCF calls 
CSCF registrations 
CSCF service route failures 
CSCF no resource errors 
CSCF presence errors 
CSCF Reg-Auth errors 
CSCF TCP errors 
CSCF total active registrations 
Use the following example to configure these threshold poll intervals: 
   threshold poll call-setup-failures interval <dur> 
   threshold poll call-total-active interval <dur> 
   threshold poll cscf-invite-rcvd interval <dur> 
   threshold poll cscf-reg-rcvd interval <dur> 
   threshold poll cscf-service-route-failures interval <dur> 
   threshold poll error-no-resource interval <dur> 
   threshold poll error-presence interval <dur> 
   threshold poll error-reg-auth interval <dur>