Cisco Cisco WAP571 Wireless-AC N Premium Dual Radio Access Point with PoE Manual De Mantenimiento

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Simple Network Management Protocol
General SNMP Settings
Cisco Small Business WAP551 and WAP561 Wireless-N Access Point
The community name acts as a simple authentication feature to restrict the 
machines on the network that can request data to the SNMP agent. The 
name functions as a password, and the request is assumed to be authentic 
if the sender knows the password.
Read-write Community—A read-write community name to be used for 
SNMP set requests. The valid range is from 1 to 256 alphanumeric and 
special characters. 
Setting a community name is similar to setting a password. Only requests 
from the machines that identify themselves with this community name are 
Management Station—Determines which stations can access the WAP 
device through SNMP. Select one of these options:
All—The set of stations that can access the WAP device through SNMP 
is not restricted.
User Defined—The set of permitted SNMP requests is restricted to 
those specified.
NMS, IPv4 Address/Name—The IPv4 IP address, DNS hostname, or subnet 
of the network management system (NMS), or the set of machines that can 
execute get and set requests to the managed devices.
A DNS hostname can consist of one or more labels, which are sets of up to 
63 alphanumeric characters. If a hostname includes multiple labels, each is 
separated by a period (.). The entire series of labels and periods can be up 
to 253 characters long.
As with community names, this setting provides a level of security on SNMP 
settings. The SNMP agent only accepts requests from the IP address, 
hostname, or subnet specified here. 
To specify a subnet, enter one or more subnetwork address ranges in the 
form address/mask_length where address is an IP address and 
mask_length is the number of mask bits. Both formats address/mask and 
address/mask_length are supported. For example, if you enter a range of, this specifies a subnetwork with address and a 
subnet mask of
The address range is used to specify the subnet of the designated NMS. 
Only machines with IP addresses in this range are permitted to execute get, 
and set requests on the managed device. Given the example above, the 
machines with addresses from through can 
execute SNMP commands on the device. (The address identified by suffix .0