Cisco Cisco MCS 7816-I4 Unified Communications Manager Appliance Prospecto

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(5) Supported only for “bridged upgrade” to migrate to newer hardware. In a bridged upgrade, you upgrade to the specified Cisco Unified Communications Manager version, make a backup of your 
software configuration via the Disaster Recovery System utility, reinstall the Cisco Unified Communications Manager version on new hardware, and restore your software configuration from backup. 
This server is not supported for any other use with Cisco Unified Communications Manager other than this “bridged upgrade” procedure. 
(6) Note 9.x software media kits require dual-layer/DL DVD (prior media kits only required single-layer/SL DVD). HP/IBM has shipped many different models of DVD drives on bridge-upgrade-only 
MCS servers. HP/IBM has not exhaustively identified and tested every DVD model used for DL compatibility, therefore Cisco cannot either. In most cases, a bridge-upgrade-only MCS model should 
be able to upgrade using a DL DVD, but if the DVD drive will not accept the DL DVD, then it may be one of the unidentified/untested DVD models, and the bridge-upgrade will have to be completed 
via SFTP or FTP image. Recall 9.x fresh installs are not supported on bridge-upgrade-only servers regardless of the DVD model in use. 
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