Cisco PowerKEY CableCARD Module Referencia técnica

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Staging Field-Returned SSC DHCTs
Complete these steps when staging DHCTs that have been returned from the field.
 1.  Connect the DHCTs to the plant; then, wait for them to display either DHCT-
ready mode indicator or Brick mode indicator.
 2.  Scan the DHCTs into the billing system and take them out of service. The 
DHCTs will display the Brick mode indicator.
 3.  Power on the DHCT.
 4.  Check the IPPV information page of the CableCARD diagnostic screens for 
stranded IPPV events. If the EID field is greater than zero, you have stranded 
IPPV events. Select one of the following options:
    a If the EID field shows zero, go to step 5.
    b If the EID field shows any number other than zero, complete the following 
       i Tag the DHCT.
      ii  When ready, complete the 
Clearing Stranded IPPV Events from  
 procedure for the DHCTs you have tagged.
 5.  If you are using Brick mode, do the following:
    a Activate the Staging Toolkit.
    b Clear the SARA menu settings by pressing either the 
 button or  
 button (based on the type of remote control you are using), 
 PIN, and power cycling the set-top. 
: If the DHCT does not accept the PIN, press the 
 button and start over.
    You can also clear the SARA menu settings using the billing system or the 
: If you are using the DNCS, complete the following steps:
Server Applications
 tab and select 
DHCT Config
 and click 
    c Enter the MAC address of the DHCT, then click 
Reset User Settings
 6.  Move the DHCTs into an authorized status in accordance with your site 
process. Wait for the DHCTs to show either the DHCT-ready mode indicator 
or the Brick mode indicator.
 7.  Connect the DHCT to a TV and verify authorized channels.
 8.  Do authorized channels appear?
, go to step 9.
, send a ModifyDhctConfiguration (modDhctConfig –s) hit using your 
  billing system. The EMM ISE column should increment by 4 or more, and 
  authorized channels should appear.
 9.  Place the DHCTs into the warehouse inventory according to your site process.
Clearing Stranded IPPV Events from SSC DHCTs
Complete these steps to clear stranded IPPV events.
 1.  Check the billing system to make sure that the DHCT has an account status 
that corresponds to in-service, two-way.
 2.  Open the diagnostic pages following the instructions in 
Viewing Diagnostic 
Screens on the SSC DHCTs (SARA Only)
, and check for an IP address.
: Do not go to step 3 without verifying the IP address. An IPPV poll will 
not work if the DHCT does not have an IP address.
 3.  Use the IPPV Information diagnostic screen to determine if you have any 
remaining IPPV events. If the EID field is greater than zero, you still have 
stranded IPPV events; repeat this procedure. Do not proceed to step 4 until 
you have verified that the DHCT has no remaining stranded IPPV events.
 4.  Place the DHCTs out of service, disconnect them, and return them to the 
original group of field-return DHCTs. Go back to the 
Staging Field-Returned 
 section and repeat the procedure from step 5. 
Verifying EMMs for SSC DHCTs That Failed to Stage
Complete these steps if you have DHCTs that did not stage.
 1.  Verify the PowerKEY
 provisioning by displaying the CA diagnostic screen 
of the CableCARD module. Verify the number of EMM messages received 
and validated by the CableCARD module and that those numbers match 
your site’s standard numbers. If the numbers of EMMs processed is zero, 
the CableCARD module has yet to receive the EMM messages.
: If DHCTs do not authorize after receiving the ModifyDhctConfiguration 
(modDhctConfig –s) transaction, verify that the FDC signal on the Status 
Summary diagnostic screen is between +10 and –10 dBmV. If the FDC 
signal is OK, send an “instant hit” from either the billing system (preferred) 
or from the DNCS.
 2.  Check the status of the conditional access for the CableCARD module. The 
CA status (Status) will be in one of the following states:
–Desired value; PowerKEY CA launched successfully.
Not Ready-No CA Strm
–CA stream is not available.
Not Ready-No Time GBAM
–CA stream is available, but waiting for  
Not Staged
–CableCARD module is not provisioned in the headend.
–Initialization error or an internal problem while attempting to receive the 
 3.  Verify that you can receive high-value copy-protected services (those 
services with copy-protection settings of copy once or copy never).
Brick Mode and SSC DHCT Ready Indications
When the SSC DHCT (including the CableCARD module) has booted and 
finished downloading software, it will exhibit one of the following indications:
Brick Mode indicator
: The POWER LED blinks eight times, pauses, and 
repeats. The DHCT will be in an power off state.
DHCT ready indicator
: The POWER LED blinks four times, pauses, and 
repeats only once. After that, the DHCT will be in a power off state.
 is a DNCS function that matches the CableCARD module’s ID to the 
host’s ID to ensure that the host device conforms to the copy-protection rules 
defined by the Copy Control Information (CCI). You must bind a CableCARD 
module to its host before the host can receive high-value copy protected 
services (those copy-protected services with copy protected settings of copy 
once or copy never).
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October 2012 
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Part Number 78-4026461-01 Rev B