Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System Guía De Instalación

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Chapter 2    SR 2.8.2/3.8.2/4.3.2 Upgrade Procedures 
4038415 Rev A 
8  Using a text editor, append the following line to the .profile file: 
export LOCAL_EAS_IP=[Ethernet address of the DNCS]
Note:  Substitute the Ethernet address of the DNCS for [Ethernet address of the 
DNCS], displayed in step 4. 
9  Save and close the file. 
Verify the PSIP and SI_REGENERATION_TIME Variables 
The following procedure checks the PSIP_INSERT_RATE and 
SI_REGENERATION_TIME variables for their recommended values. A brief 
explanation of why you are checking these variables follows. 
If the site you are upgrading does not use the DNCS for PSIP and inband EAS 
messages that are targeted to hosts, such as QAM tuner TVs, you can disable 
delivery of these messages from the DNCS by setting the PSIP_INSERT_RATE 
variable to 0 in the .profile file. If you are not using the DNCS to provide these 
messages, you should make provisions to provide these signals by other PSIP 
aggregation/EAS equipment in your system. 
Be aware that there are FCC regulatory requirements to provide PSIP and EAS to 
these devices. 
If the DNCS is used for PSIP and inband EAS messages that are targeted to hosts, 
such as QAM tuner TVs, the PSIP_INSERT_RATE variable should not be 
present in the .profile. If it is present in the .profile file, it should not be set to 0. 
The SI_REGENERATION_TIME variable in the .profile file needs to be set to 1200 
(20 minutes)  so that SI updates happen, at most, once every 20 minutes. 
Complete the following steps to check the PSIP_INSERT_RATE and 
SI_REGENERATION_TIME variables in the .profile file. 
1  If necessary, open an xterm window on the DNCS. 
2  Type the following command and press Enter
grep PSIP_INSERT_RATE  /export/home/dncs/.profile