Cisco Cisco WebEx Social for Mobile Notas de publicación

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Cisco WebEx Social Release Notes, Release 3.0 SR3
  Important Notes
What’s New in Release 3.0 SR1
Major new updates in Cisco WebEx Social 3.0 SR1 include the following:
Visual redesign of the Bookmark app.
The Video Call plugin (Cisco Web Communicator plugin) is production quality.
Email plugin allows creating content or replying to posts from within an e-mail client.
During the upgrade to this release, all instances of the no-longer supported Actions portlet are 
removed automatically. In addition, the message that indicates that this application has been 
undeployed no longer appears in Cisco WebEx Social.
The search feature now provides the In my communities and the In last visited community boxes 
that can be used to refine the scope of a search.
What’s New in Release 3.0 SR2
Major new updates in Cisco WebEx Social 3.0 SR2 include the following:
Several Community API operations have been added, which allow managing users, users roles, and 
user groups in communities.
The user indexing process has been separated from the user group add and remove operations. With 
this enhancement, a user who is a member of a user group has immediate access to a community 
when that user group is added to the community.
What’s New in Release 3.0 SR3
Cisco WebEx Social 3.0 SR3 fixes several issues and provides operational improvements.
Important Notes
This section describes limitation, restrictions, and other important information that applies to this release 
of Cisco WebEx Social.
Although the CAS tab appears in the Account Settings > Portal > Settings > Authentication window, 
Cisco WebEx Social does not support Central Authentication Service (CAS) and the fields in this 
tab are not used.
This release supports only US English as the display language.
After a fresh installation on an upgrade to this release of Cisco WebEx Social, “ERROR” may appear 
for some nodes in the Topology window in the Director. To work around this issue, use an SSH client 
to access the Director, log in as the admin user, and enter sudo puppetrun FQDN, where FQDN is 
the fully-qualified domain name of the server that shows “ERROR.” For more information, use the 
Bug Toolkit to access the defect number CSCub12237 (see the 
A WebEx Instant Meeting may not start when the Cisco WebEx Social system is experiencing a 
heavy load. For more information, use the Bug Toolkit to access the defect number CSCua77088 
(see the