Cisco Cisco StadiumVision Mobile Reporter Información de licencia

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files for the Package. 
"Compiled" form means the compiled bytecode, object code, binary, or any 
form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of the Source 
Permission for Use and Modification Without Distribution 
(1) You are permitted to use the Standard Version and create and use Modified 
Versions for any purpose without restriction, provided that you do not 
Distribute the Modified Version. 
Permissions for Redistribution of the Standard Version 
(2) You may Distribute verbatim copies of the Source form of the Standard 
Version of this Package in any medium without restriction, either gratis or 
a Distributor Fee, provided that you duplicate all of the original copyright 
notices and associated disclaimers. At your discretion, such verbatim copies 
may or may not include a Compiled form of the Package. 
(3) You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other modifications 
made available from the Copyright Holder. The resulting Package will still be 
considered the Standard Version, and as such will be subject to the Original 
Distribution of Modified Versions of the Package as Source 
(4) You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis or for 

Distributor Fee, and with or without a Compiled form of the Modified Version) 
provided that you clearly document how it differs from the Standard Version, 
including, but not limited to, documenting any non-standard features, 
executables, or modules, and provided that you do at least ONE of the 
(a) make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder of the 
Version, under the Original License, so that the Copyright Holder may include 
your modifications in the Standard Version. 
(b) ensure that installation of your Modified Version does not prevent the 
installing or running the Standard Version. In addition, the Modified Version 
must bear a name that is different from the name of the Standard Version. 
(c) allow anyone who receives a copy of the Modified Version to make the 
form of the Modified Version available to others under 
(i) the Original License or 
(ii) a license that permits the licensee to freely copy, modify and 
redistribute the Modified Version using the same licensing terms that apply 
the copy that the licensee received, and requires that the Source form of the 
Modified Version, and of any works derived from it, be made freely available 
that license fees are prohibited but Distributor Fees are allowed. 
Distribution of Compiled Forms of the Standard Version or Modified Versions 
without the Source 
(5) You may Distribute Compiled forms of the Standard Version without the