Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C650 Referencia técnica

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Cisco AsyncOS 9.1 for Email CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 3      The Commands: Reference Examples
  Networking Configuration / Network Tools
Commit: This command does not require a ‘commit’.
Cluster Management: This command can be used in all three machine modes (cluster, group, machine).
Batch Command: This command does not support a batch format
Example> packetcapture
Capture Information:
  Status:             No capture running
Current Settings:
  Maximum File Size:  200 MB
  Limit:              None (Run Indefinitely)
  Interface(s):       ALL
  Filter:             (tcp port 25)
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- START - Start packet capture.
- SETUP - Change packet capture settings.
[]> start
Success - Packet Capture has started
Capture Information:
  File Name:          C100V-421C73B18CFB05784A83-B03A99E71ED8-20150312-105256.cap
  File Size:          0 of 200M
  Duration:           0s
  Limit:              None (Run Indefinitely)
  Interface(s):       ALL
  Filter:             (tcp port 25)
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- STOP - Stop packet capture.
- STATUS - Display current capture status.
- SETUP - Change packet capture settings.
[]> stop
Success - Packet Capture has stopped
Capture Information:
  File Name:          C100V-421C73B18CFB05784A83-B03A99E71ED8-20150312-105256.cap
  File Size:          24 of 200M
  Duration:           10s
  Limit:              None (Run Indefinitely)
  Interface(s):       ALL
  Filter:             (tcp port 25)
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- START - Start packet capture.
- SETUP - Change packet capture settings.
[]> setup
Enter maximum allowable size for the capture file (in MB)
Do you want to stop the capture when the file size is reached? (If not, a new file will be 
started and the older capture data will be discarded.)