Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C650 Referencia técnica

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Cisco AsyncOS 9.1 for Email CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 3      The Commands: Reference Examples
  SMTP Services Configuration
Add, edit, and remove SMTP Call-Ahead profiles
Commit: This command requires a ‘commit’.
Cluster Management: This command can be used in all three machine modes (cluster, group, machine).
Batch Command: This command does not support a batch format.
In the following example you can create a new SMTP call-ahead profile for delivery host.
> callaheadconfig
No SMTP Call-Ahead profiles are configured on the system.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new profile.
[]> new
Select the type of profile you want to create:
1. Delivery Host
2. Static Call-Ahead Servers
[1]> 1
Please enter a name for the profile:
[]> delhost01
Advanced Settings:
  MAIL FROM Address: <>
  Interface: Auto
  Timeout Value: 30
  Validation Failure Action: ACCEPT
  Temporary Failure Action: REJECT with same code
  Maximum number of connections: 5
  Maximum number of validation queries: 1000
  Cache size: 10000
  Cache TTL: 900
Do you want to change advanced settings? [N]> n
Currently configured SMTP Call-Ahead profiles:
1. delhost01 (Delivery Host)
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new profile.
- EDIT - Modify a profile.
- DELETE - Delete a profile.
- PRINT - Display profile information.
- TEST - Test profile.
- FLUSHCACHE - Flush SMTP Call-Ahead cache.
In the following example you can create a new SMTP call-ahead profile for call ahead server.