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Wireless LAN Design Guide for High Density 
Client Environments in Higher Education   
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What is ultimately going to effect the client devices more than any other factor is the degradation of signal-to-noise ratio 
(SNR) through both co-channel and adjacent channel interference driven by co-located devices. Proper system engineering 
can minimize the impact by maximizing proper spatial reuse but it cannot be eliminated in highly dense environments entirely. 
Operating margins become more critical as space is condensed and a bad radio or behavior in the mix can have a large impact 
within a cell. Client behavior under these conditions will vary widely and trends based on environment and event type have also 
been reported. There is not much that can be done about the particular client mix or behavior. The design goal is to engineer the 
network side as robustly as possible and to control and understand all variables. 
Within environments that qualify as high-density, there are also submodels built by use case. For example, in a high-density 
environment such as a public venue or stadium, capacity is planned based on what percentage of users are likely to be active 
on the network at any one time. In higher education there is a different model, where casual WLAN activity is one use case while 
activity when a professor is lecturing may increase dramatically, up to 100 percent. 
The WLAN design process can begin in many ways but generally it begins with an expressed desire to provide connections to 
a specific area where a number of users will participate in a focused activity. To evaluate what is possible, it is first necessary 
to understand what is required as well as what is possible. There is generally a primary application that is driving the need 
for connectivity. Understanding the throughput requirements for this application and for other activities that will take place 
on the network will provide the designer with a per-user bandwidth goal. Multiplying this number by the number of expected 
connections yields the aggregate bandwidth that will be required. 
The required per connection bandwidth will be used to drive subsequent design decisions. 
Design Point #1: Establish and Validate a Per-Connection Bandwidth Requirement
How much bandwidth does each user require on average? In Table 1, the nominal throughput requirements for several popular 
applications and use cases in a higher education setting are shown. 
Application by Use Case
Nominal Throughput 
Web - Casual
500 kilobits per second (Kbps)
Web - Instructional
1 Megabit per second (Mbps)
Audio - Casual
100 Kbps
Audio - instructional
1 Mbps
On-demand or Streaming Video - Casual
1 Mbps
On-demand or Streaming Video - Instructional
2-4 Mbps
1 Mbps
File Sharing - Casual
1 Mbps
File Sharing - Instructional
2-8 Mbps
Online Testing
2-4 Mbps
Device Backups
10-50 Mbps