Cisco Cisco Email Security Appliance C650 Referencia técnica

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Applying a Bounce Profile to a Listener
After a bounce profile has been configured, you can apply the profile for each listener using 
listenerconfig -> bounceconfig 
command and then committing the changes.
Note — Bounce profiles can be applied based upon the listener that a message was received 
on. However, this listener has nothing to do with how the message is ultimately delivered. 
In this example, the OutboundMail private listener is edited and the bounce profile named 
 is applied to it.
Please enter the maximum number of seconds to wait before retrying a 
[3600]> 10800
Do you want a message sent for each hard bounce? (Yes/No/Default)[Y]> 
Do you want bounce messages to use the DSN message format? (Yes/No/
Default) [N]>
If a message is undeliverable after some interval, do you want to send 
a delay warning message? (Yes/No/Default)[N]> 
Do you want hard bounce messages sent to an alternate address, instead 
of the sender? [Y]>
Please enter the email address to send hard bounce.
Current bounce profiles:
1. Default
2. bounceprofile
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new profile.
- EDIT - Modify a profile.
- DELETE - Remove a profile.
Code Example 3-72 
listenerconfig and bounceconfig
 - Applying a Bounce Profile to a 
Listener> listenerconfig
Currently configured listeners:
1. InboundMail (on PublicNet, SMTP Port 25 Public
2. OutboundMail (on PrivateNet, SMTP Port 25 Private
Code Example 3-71 
- Editing a Bounce Profile