Cisco Cisco Firepower Management Center 2000 Información de licencia

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             Open Source Used In FireSIGHT System Version 5.4.0.x
$Id: nessus.xsl,v 1.1 2002/10/08 16:09:26 renaud Exp $
3.13 nmap 6.01 
3.13.1 Available under license : 
* COPYING -- Describes the terms under which Nmap is distributed.  A copy *
* of the GNU GPL is appended to this file.                                *
*                                                                         *
***********************IMPORTANT NMAP LICENSE TERMS************************
*                                                                         *
* The Nmap Security Scanner is (C) 1996-2006 Insecure.Com LLC. Nmap is    *
* also a registered trademark of Insecure.Com LLC.  This program is free  *
* software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the  *
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software            *
* Foundation; Version 2 with the clarifications and exceptions described  *
* below.  This guarantees your right to use, modify, and redistribute     *
* this software under certain conditions.  If you wish to embed Nmap      *
* technology into proprietary software, we sell alternative licenses      *
* (contact  Dozens of software vendors already       *
* license Nmap technology such as host discovery, port scanning, OS       *
* detection, and version detection.                                       *
*                                                                         *
* Note that the GPL places important restrictions on "derived works", yet *
* it does not provide a detailed definition of that term.  To avoid       *
* misunderstandings, we consider an application to constitute a           *
* "derivative work" for the purpose of this license if it does any of the *
* following:                                                              *
* o Integrates source code from Nmap                                      *
* o Reads or includes Nmap copyrighted data files, such as                *
*   nmap-os-fingerprints or nmap-service-probes.                          *
* o Executes Nmap and parses the results (as opposed to typical shell or  *
*   execution-menu apps, which simply display raw Nmap output and so are  *
*   not derivative works.)                                                *
* o Integrates/includes/aggregates Nmap into a proprietary executable     *
*   installer, such as those produced by InstallShield.                   *
* o Links to a library or executes a program that does any of the above   *
*                                                                         *
* The term "Nmap" should be taken to also include any portions or derived *
* works of Nmap.  This list is not exclusive, but is just meant to        *
* clarify our interpretation of derived works with some common examples.  *
* These restrictions only apply when you actually redistribute Nmap.  For *
* example, nothing stops you from writing and selling a proprietary       *
* front-end to Nmap.  Just distribute it by itself, and point people to   *
* to download Nmap.                             *
*                                                                         *