Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 7030

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 5      Managing Reusable Objects
  Working with File Lists
Uploading Multiple SHA-256 Values to a File List
Supported Devices: 
Series 3, Virtual, X-Series, ASA FirePOWER
Supported Defense Centers: 
Any except DC500
You can add multiple SHA-256 values to a file list by uploading a comma-separated value (CSV) source 
file containing a list of SHA-256 values and descriptions. The Defense Center validates the contents and 
populates the file list with valid SHA-256 values.
The source file must be a simple text file with a .csv file name extension. Any header must start with a 
pound sign (
); it is treated as a comment and not uploaded. Each entry should contain a single SHA-256 
value followed by a description of up to 256 alphanumeric or special characters and end with either the 
 Newline character. The system ignores any additional information in the entry.
Note the following:
Deleting a source file from the file list also removes all associated SHA-256 hashes from the file list.
You cannot upload multiple files to a file list if the successful source file upload results in the file 
list containing more than 10000 distinct SHA-256 values.
The system truncates descriptions exceeding 256 characters to the first 256 characters on upload. If 
the description contains commas, you must use an escape character (
). If no description is 
included, the source file name is used instead.
If a file list contains a SHA-256 value, and you upload a source file containing that value, the newly 
uploaded value does not modify the existing SHA-256 value. When viewing captured files, file 
events, or malware events related to the SHA-256 value, any threat name or description is derived 
from the individual SHA-256 value.
The system does not upload invalid SHA-256 values in a source file.
If multiple uploaded source files contain an entry for the same SHA-256 value, the system uses the 
most recent value.
If a source file contains multiple entries for the same SHA-256 value, the system uses the last one. 
You cannot directly edit a source file within the object manager. To make changes, you must first 
modify your source file directly, delete the copy on the system, then upload the modified source file. 
 for more information. 
To upload a source file to a file list:
Admin/Any Security Analyst
Step 1
Objects > Object Management
The Object Management page appears.
Step 2
File List
The File List section appears.