Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 7030

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 14      Understanding and Writing Access Control Rules 
  Working with Different Types of Conditions
You cannot select a custom filter in the Application Filters list in combination with another filter, 
including another custom filter; this is because you cannot add a filter to a custom filter.
Selecting one or more filters in the Application Filters list adds an 
All apps matching the filter
to the Available Applications list. Likewise, searching the Available Applications list when you have 
not selected any filter in the Application Filters list also adds an 
All apps matching the filter
to the Available Applications list. If you select one or more filters in the Application Filters list and 
also search the Available Applications list, your selections and the search-filtered Available 
Applications list are combined using an AND operation. That is, the 
All apps matching the filter
condition includes all the individual conditions currently displayed in the Available Applications list 
as well as the search string entered above the Available Applications list.
Adding the 
All apps matching the filter
 condition to the Selected Applications and Filters list counts as 
one condition against the maximum of 50 conditions, regardless of the number of individual 
conditions that comprise it.
When you add 
All apps matching the filter
, the name of the filter you add is a concatenation of the filter 
types represented in the filter plus the names of up to three filters for each type. More than three 
filters of the same type are followed by an ellipsis (...). For example, the following filter name 
includes two filters under the Risks type and four under Business Relevance:
Risks: Medium, High Business Relevance: Low, Medium, High,...
Filter types that are not represented in a filter you add with 
All apps matching the filter
 are not included 
in the name of the filter you add. The instructional text that is displayed when you hover over the 
filter name in the Selected Applications and Filters list indicates that these filter types are set to any
that is, these filter types do not constrain the filter, so any value is allowed for these.
You can add multiple instances of 
All apps matching the filter
. For example, add 
All apps matching the 
 for the first filter (for example, Risks, High), clear all your selections and make new selections 
for a different filter type (for example, Business Relevance, High) then add 
All apps matching the filter
When you apply your access control policy, the system generates a single list of unique applications 
that you have added to the Selected Applications list. This eliminates any duplicate application 
conditions that you might add.
Adding Application Conditions
Supported Devices: 
Series 3, Virtual, X-Series, ASA FirePOWER
The following procedure explains how to add application conditions while adding or editing an access 
control rule. See 
 for more detailed 
To add application conditions to an access control rule:
Admin/Access Admin/Network Admin
Step 1
Select the 
The Applications page appears.
Step 2
Optionally, click the 
Search by name
 prompt above the 
Applications Filters
 list or the 
Available Applications
list, then type a name.
The list updates as you type to display matching conditions. See 
for more information.