Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 7030

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 3      Using Dashboards 
  Working with Dashboards
Your dashboard is created and appears in the web interface. You can now tailor it to suit your needs by 
adding tabs and widgets (and, if you based it on a preexisting dashboard, by rearranging and deleting 
widgets). For more information, see 
Viewing Dashboards
By default, the home page for your appliance displays the default dashboard. If you do not have a default 
dashboard defined, the home page shows the Dashboard Management page, where you can choose a 
dashboard to view. At any time, to view the default dashboard you have configured for your appliance, 
Overview > Dashboards
; to view details of all available dashboards, select 
Overview > Dashboards > 
You can configure your appliance to display a different default home page, including pages that are not 
dashboard pages. You can also change the default dashboard. For more information, see 
Each dashboard has a time range that constrains its widgets. You can change the time range to reflect a 
period as short as the last hour (the default) or as long as the last year. When you change the time range, 
the widgets that can be constrained by time automatically update to reflect the new time range. 
Note that not all widgets can be constrained by time. For example, the dashboard time range has no effect 
on the Appliance Information widget, which provides information that includes the appliance name, 
model, and current version of the FireSIGHT System software.
Keep in mind that for enterprise deployments of the FireSIGHT System, changing the time range to a 
long period may not be useful for widgets like the Custom Analysis widget, depending on how often 
newer events replace older events.
You can also pause a dashboard, which allows you to examine the data provided by the widgets without 
the display changing and interrupting your analysis. Pausing a dashboard has the following effects:
Individual widgets stop updating, regardless of any 
Update Every
 widget preference.
Dashboard tabs stop cycling, regardless of the 
Cycle Tabs Every
 setting in the dashboard properties.
Dashboard pages stop refreshing, regardless of the 
Refresh Page Every
 setting in the dashboard 
Changing the time range has no effect.
When you are finished with your analysis, you can unpause the dashboard. Unpausing the dashboard 
causes all appropriate widgets on the page to update to reflect the current time range. In addition, 
dashboard tabs resume cycling and the dashboard page resumes refreshing according to the settings you 
specified in the dashboard properties.
If you experience connectivity problems or other issues that interrupt the flow of system information to 
the dashboard, the dashboard automatically pauses and an error notice appears until the problem is 
Your session normally logs you out after 1 hour of inactivity (or another configured interval), regardless 
of whether the dashboard is paused. If you plan to passively monitor the dashboard for long periods of 
time, consider exempting some users from session timeout, or changing the system timeout settings. For