Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 8130

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 21      Managing Rules in an Intrusion Policy
  Managing FireSIGHT Rule State Recommendations
Lists of addresses within the hosts that you specify are linked with an OR operation except for negations, 
which are linked with an AND operation after all OR operations are calculated.
Understanding Rule Overhead
Cisco rates the overhead of each intrusion rule as none, low, medium, high, or very high based on the 
rule’s potential impact on system performance and the likelihood that the rule may generate false 
positives. You can view the overhead rating for a rule in the rule detail view on the Rules page. See 
 for more information.
You can set the system to make rule state recommendations based on all rules up to and including a 
specified overhead rating, except for very high. You must manually set the rule state for any rule with a 
very high overhead rating. For example, when you generate recommendations for rules with medium 
overhead, the system makes recommendations based on all rules with an overhead rating of none, low, 
or medium, and does not make any recommendations for rules with high or very high overhead.
Note that the system factors rule overhead into recommendations to generate events or to drop and 
generate events. The system does not factor rule overhead into recommendations to disable rules. Note 
also that local rules have no overhead, unless they are mapped to a third-party vulnerability. See 
more information.
Generating recommendations for rules with the overhead rating at a particular setting does not preclude 
you from generating recommendations with different overhead, then generating recommendations again 
for the original overhead setting. You get the same rule state recommendations for each overhead setting 
each time you generate recommendations for the same rule set, regardless of the number of times you 
generate recommendations or with how many different overhead settings you generate. For example, you 
can generate recommendations with overhead set to medium, then to high, then to very high, and then to 
medium again and, if the hosts and applications on your network have not changed, both sets of 
recommendations with overhead set to medium will be the same for that rule set.
Using FireSIGHT Recommendations
FireSIGHT + Protection
You can generate recommendations with or without using the recommended rule states, and with or 
without modifying the advanced settings for generating recommendations. See 
 for more information. 
After generating recommendations, you can use the recommended rule states; you can also view 
recommended states and use any features available on the Rules page. 
To use FireSIGHT rule state recommendations:
Admin/Intrusion Admin
Step 1
Policies > Intrusion > Intrusion Policy
The Intrusion Policy page appears.
Step 2
Click the edit icon (
) next to the policy you want to edit.