Antares auto-tune 4 Manual De Usuario

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ALTERNATE: The same background color as Classic, but with blue
detected pitch curves and bright green target pitch curves (selected
for readability by people with the most common types of Red/Green
color blindness).
BLACK AND WHITE: A white background with red detected pitch
curves and black target pitch curves. Not too pretty, but the ultimate
in high contrast (as in the original Auto-Tune).
Select how you want to control the “knobs” in the
Auto-Tune 4 interface:
VERTICAL: Position the cursor over a knob, press and hold the left
mouse button (or the only mouse button, if you’re using a one-
button mouse) and move the cursor up to turn the knob clockwise
or down to turn the knob counterclockwise. The current value of the
knob’s parameter appears in its associated numeric display.
HORIZONTAL: Position the cursor over a knob, press and hold the
left mouse button and move the cursor to the right to turn the knob
clockwise or to the left to turn the knob counterclockwise. The
current value of the knob’s parameter appears in its associated
numeric display.
RADIAL: Click anywhere around the circumference of the knob,
press and hold the left mouse button and and “rotate” the knob in
the desired direction.The current value of the knob’s parameter
appears in its associated numeric display.
Check to use Custom Cursors in Graphical Mode.
With the new graphical editing tools, the custom cursors are extremely
useful. You should only uncheck this if your host is interfering with the
Auto-Tune 4 cursors (the typical symptom of this is a rapid flashing
back and forth between the default cursor and Auto-Tune 4’s custom
Auto-Tune 4 provides multiple Undo/Redo
capability in Graphical Mode. Select the maximum allowable number
here (up to 20). Choosing a higher number allocates more memory for
saving intermediate states.
Automatic Mode Features
• You can now specify target note behaviors (Scale Note, Remove,
Bypass) in individual octaves.
• Virtual keyboard for realtime detected pitch display and target
note control
• Improved Targeting option for problem vibratos (described below)
• Seriously enhanced Vibrato functions
• Other niceties (Hold button, dual Detune display, new Scale Edit