Sony BVS-A3232 Manual De Usuario

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5-2. Setting Items of the Secondary Station
N : SET PANEL TABLE (BKS-R1607/R1608/R3204/R3205/R3209/R3210/R1617/R1618/R3219/R3220/R1621)
This menu is used to assign source/destination name to
each source/destination button.
Setting Procedure
Select menu item [N].
Select a button number using the cursor.
When [Enter] is pressed, the panel table can be typed.
To delete the registration, press [Enter] before
inputting the name.
When [J : NAME STYLE (Type 
+ Num)] is
selected in the primary station menu, input the
type name (between 0 and F) and the number for
the source and destination name.
b) Each time Ctrl N is pressed when [J : NAME
STYLE (DESCRIP. NAME)] is selected in the
primary station menu, the following input mode
will be switched alternately.
Description name input mode :
When “Ctrl
_ N : Type + Num” is displayed on the
screen, it means that the name mode will be
changed to “Type 
+ Number” by pressing [Ctrl] _
Input Description name from the first to seventh
characters using the alphabet and numerical keys.
+ Number” name input mode:
Input in the same way as a).
If the Description name has been set for the input/output
number, the display of Description has priority to the
display of “Type 
+ Number” even if the “Type + Number”
name is set.
When [Enter] is pressed, the source name is set.
When [Ctrl] 
_ [E] is pressed, the menu screen of the
secondary station will be displayed.
When [Ctrl] 
_ [D] is pressed, the menu screen of the
primary station will be displayed.
01 KEY=IN001    02 KEY=IN002    03 KEY=IN003    04 KEY=IN004
05 KEY=IN005    06 KEY=IN006    07 KEY=IN007    08 KEY=IN008
09 KEY=.......  10 KEY=.......  11 KEY=.......  12 KEY=.......
13 KEY=.......  14 KEY=.......  15 KEY=.......  16 KEY=.......
17 KEY=IN009    18 KEY=IN010    19 KEY=IN011    20 KEY=IN012
21 KEY=IN013    22 KEY=IN014    23 KEY=IN015    24 KEY=IN016
25 KEY=.......  26 KEY=.......  27 KEY=.......  28 KEY=.......
29 KEY=.......  30 KEY=.......  31 KEY=.......  32 KEY=.......
01 KEY=.......  02 KEY=.......  03 KEY=.......  04 KEY=.......
05 KEY=.......  06 KEY=.......  07 KEY=.......  08 KEY=.......
09 KEY=OUT001   10 KEY=OUT002   11 KEY=OUT003   12 KEY=OUT004
13 KEY=OUT005   14 KEY=OUT006   15 KEY=OUT007   16 KEY=OUT008
17 KEY=.......  18 KEY=.......  19 KEY=.......  20 KEY=.......
21 KEY=.......  22 KEY=.......  23 KEY=.......  24 KEY=.......
25 KEY=OUT009   26 KEY=OUT010   27 KEY=OUT011   28 KEY=OUT012
29 KEY=OUT013   30 KEY=OUT014   31 KEY=OUT015   32 KEY=OUT016
0=IN      1=OUT     2=SONY    3=VTR     4=SUP     5=CB      6=AIR     7=ME
8=PGM     9=CL      A=SL      B=L       C=RET     D=MIX     E=JEEP    F=OSC
G=L/A     H=REM     I=CAM     J=STDO    K=AUX     L=COV     M=BS      N=CS
O=SAT     P=CG      Q=WETH    R=TEST    S=HD      T=D1-     U=D2-     V=SEG
Example of Setting Screen
In the BKS-R1617/R1621, each button (key) can be
set to both source and destination. In case source and
destination are set to the same button (key), the DEST
button works as a destination button when the DEST
button lights in amber and the DEST button works as a
source button when the DEST button lights in green.
In the 4 DESTINATION mode, both source and
destination can be set to only buttons (keys) 01 to 04.
Other than setting of source button (key), the destina-
tions of block 1 to 4 can be set to destination buttons
01 to 04.
Be sure to set either source or destination on the
respective buttons (keys) when setting other model.
If both source and destination are set to the same
button (key), it will cause malfunction.
Set the table data of BKS-R3204/R3205/R3206 by
eight buttons previously in the menu item [Z : SET
____ PANEL STATUS].  If “KEY = ____” is
displayed on the key number position, the name can
not be input.
When setting description names to the source/destina-
tion buttons, select a name from the description name
group sent to the remote control unit.
If other names are input, these will not be set even if
the [Enter] button is pressed.
In such cases, transfer the group including the desired
description name from the primary station.