Yamaha aw16g Manual De Usuario

Página de 219
■ Popup messages
ATAPI Error!
A problem occurred while communicating with the CD-RW drive.
Can't Select Current Song!
The current song cannot be selected.
CD Size Full!
Data exceeding the recordable length of the CD cannot be added.
CD Track Over!
The maximum number of tracks has been reached, and further addition is 
not possible.
CD-RW Drive Error!
A problem occurred with the CD-RW drive.
CD-RW Drive Not Found!
No CD-RW drive is installed.
CD Write Error!
The data could not be written correctly to the CD.
Change Media, Invalid Order.
Please exchange the media. The order of media volumes is incorrect.
Change Media, Not 1st Media.
Please exchange the media. This is not the first media volume.
Change Media, Please.
The media is an incorrect type. Please exchange it.
Compare Error!
The data was not written correctly.
Disk Full!
The disk has no free capacity.
End Range Over!
The operation could not be executed, since the end of the song would be 
later than 24 hours.
Exchange Next Media.
Please insert the next volume of media.
File Number Full!
No more songs can be created or restored, since this would exceed the 
maximum number of files.
File System Error!
An error has occurred in the file system of the internal hard disk.
For Effect2 Only!
This cannot be recalled because it is only for use with EFFECT 2.
HDD Error!
A problem occurred with the internal hard disk.
IDE Error!
A problem occurred while communicating with the internal hard disk.
Invalid Parameter!
The parameter setting exceeds the allowable range.
Media Error!
A problem has occurred on the media.
Media Full!
The media has no free space.
Memory Full!
The song has no more free space. One song can use a maximum of 
6.4 GB.
Memory Full!
There is no more free space in sampling pad memory.
No Data to Backup!
You have not selected data to back up.
No Data to Restore!
You have not selected data to restore.
No Data!
The selected region does not contain data.
No Data!
Since no data has been saved, you cannot recall, erase, or edit the title.
No Media!
Media has not been inserted.
No Song to Write!
No songs to write to the CD have been selected.
No Stereo Track!
There is no song that includes a master track longer than four seconds.
Not 44.1kHz/16bit Song!
The song cannot be restored since it is not a 44.1 kHz/16-bit song.
Prohibit CD Import!
Can’t import from a CD because DIGITAL REC is prohibited.
Can’t save, erase, or edit the title because the song is protected.
Read Only!
Can’t save, erase, or edit the title because the song is read-only.
Recognized AW2816- Formatted Media!
This is AW2816 format media.
Recognized AW4416- Formatted Media!
This is AW4416 format media.
Song Number Full!
No more songs can be created or restored, since this would exceed the 
maximum number of songs.
System Error!
An internal system error has occurred.
Too Small File!
WAVE files shorter than 200 msec cannot be imported.
Too Small Region!
Time compression/expansion cannot be executed because the region is 
too short.
Track Length Too Short!
Since the song length divided by the markers would be less than four sec-
onds, you cannot divide it with a marker.
Track Not Recorded!
The track you selected does not contain any recorded data.