culligan 2m Manual De Usuario

Página de 15
How your water conditioner works
All of the fresh water in the world originally falls as rain, snow, or sleet. Surface
water is drawn upward by the sun, forming clouds. Then nearly pure and soft
as it starts to fall, it begins to collect impurities as it passes through smog and
dust-laden atmosphere. And as it seeps through soil and rocks it gathers
hardness, rust, acid, unpleasant tastes and odors.
Water hardness is caused primarily by limestone dissolved from the earth by
rainwater. Because of this, in earlier times people who wanted soft water
collected rainwater from roofs in rain barrels and cisterns before it picked up
hardness from the earth.
Today, research and technology have combined to produce an appliance that
removes hardness (dissolved rock) using ion exchange resins which have su-
perior ability to attract and capture the dissolved hardness impurities in water.
Culligan’s Cullex
 water conditioning resin is the happy result of such research.
Here’s how it works in your water conditioner. . . .
1 Your water conditioner directs the flow of your household water through a
column of Cullex resin. The beads of resin remove the hardness impurities
from the water and hold them. When they can hold no more, they must be
recharged. First, the automatic recharge system supplies hard water to your
household, bypassing your water conditioner.
2 Next, the filtered sediment is flushed to the drain. Then, the Cullex resin is
automatically bathed by a salt solution (brine), removing hardness
impurities. Then it is rinsed free of excess brine.
3 The water conditioner is again ready to soften more water for you. Under
normal conditions, this cycle can be repeated indefinitely as the resin lasts
for years and years.