Classe Audio ssp-75 Manual De Usuario

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The display also presents other information 
as appropriate:
When you press TRIM on the remote wand the 
lower right numbers will indicate the relative 
level (+/- 16 dB) of one of the SSP-75’s outputs
(Subwoofer, Surround, etc.). The name of the
output being ‘trimmed’ is displayed in the 
lower line of the window.
If you’re adjusting the relative level of one channel
via the remote control (the subwoofer for instance),
the display will show ‘Subwoofer.’ (See Section 6.5
for more details.) 
If you’ve selected a digital input but the SSP-75
can’t detect any useable data, the Display will
alternate between the input Name and ‘No Signal’
to alert you to the fact that the corresponding
source components is not turned on or that 
there is another problem needing attention.
The clip indicator is located just to the left of the
Display. The CLIP indicator lights when the analog
input is being overdriven. A lit indicator tells you,
you should be reducing the input sensitivity of the
analog input.
Sometimes even the best installation and most
accurate calibration isn’t enough. Sometimes a
particular movie soundtrack may not have quite 
the bass impact you’re looking for. Sometimes the
ambient (rear channel) information just isn’t loud
enough to convince you that you’re in the Amazon
jungle. Sometimes...
Whatever the reason, the SSP-75 gives you the
tools to make instant adjustments to the output
level for each channel individually to construct 
a sound field customized not just to your room 
but to your mood at the moment. The change is
temporary and will be erased when the SSP-75 is
put into standby mode.
The speakers which may be ‘Trimmed’ are the
Subwoofer, the Center channel, the Surround
channels (together) and the LFE channel. LFE is 
of course the .1 referred to in the 5.1 title, so only 
the discrete effects sounds are affected by any LFE
adjustment, so Subwoofer (normal low frequency)
operation would be unaffected. There is no
‘Balance’ function.
TRIM does not operate on the ZONE audio output.
No matter which mode you may be enjoying
playback in, whether you are watching a movie 
in surround, or listening to an audio only source 
in ‘Stereo’, you may access ‘TRIM’ mode by
pressing ‘TRIM’ on the Remote Wand. The display
window will change to read ‘SPEAKER LEVEL TRIM’
in the top line and ‘Subwoofer: 0 dB’ 
in the bottom line. Press either ( or ( key on the
remote to select the next or the previous speaker.
Repeated pressing of either button will cycle
through the available speakers. When you reach 
the speaker you wish to change press the ( or ( key 
(above and below the ‘ENTER’ key), to increase 
or decrease the sound pressure level of that
channel only. 
While in TRIM mode, the volume controls will
continue to function, on the SSP-75 itself or on 
the wand, and will continue to change the level 
for all speakers.
To exit from TRIM mode press the ‘TRIM’ button
again. The processor will also exit TRIM mode
approximately five seconds after you stop sending
commands from the remote. The speaker levels you
have changed will continue at the same relative
levels even if you change the overall level of the
system utilizing the volume control.
The new relative levels of Balance trim will be in
effect for all sources. They will remain in affect if
you change to a different source (say from VIDEO 
1 to AUDIO 4), and it makes no difference if the
source is digital or analog. 
To return to the previous balance (no trim applied)
you can either press the TRIM button on the
remote to return to TRIM mode and then adjust the
individual speaker sound pressure levels back to
+0.0 dB. You can also press the STANDBY button
on the remote or on the face of the SSP-75.
Pressing the STANDBY button will naturally ‘turn-
off’ the unit (put it into ‘Standby’ mode). Pressing
the STANDBY button again will restart the unit 
with all trim levels returned to the default of all
speakers. We do not suggest you put the SSP-75 
in standby mode while watching or listening.
TRIM allows you to increase bass level, decrease 
the output from the rear speakers, get more
‘punch’ from the center channel speaker, etc.
Experiment with this a bit and you’ll see how 
easy it is. You’ll be able to adjust levels to suit any
source or any mood almost instantaneously. It’s a
tremendous convenience, especially considering the
fact that you don’t have to enter the Main Menu
system to do it.
NOTE: If you feel you want to permanently change
the relative levels, so they don’t change when you
go to Standby, or turn the unit off, you can do this
through the Manual Calibrate setup operation. 
The SSP-75 has the unique capability of supplying
and controlling a completely separate audio and
video signal to an independent second zone. Of
course it can also supply the same input signals as
those at the Main Zone, if they are two channel.
Audio output is Stereo, and Video output is
Composite. Main and the remote Zone operate
independently of each other. One can operate 
even when the other is Off (in Standby).
On the rear panel are two IR inputs: the Main 
input and the ZONE input. Sending remote codes 
to either one can control the operation of either
the Main or the Zone. The rear IR input to Main 
is in parallel with the front panel IR input. 
The input on the rear panel for ZONE assumes 
that control codes arriving there are meant to
control the operation of the ZONE. The IR inputs
for the MAIN assume the control codes sent to
them are meant to control the Main operation.
Pressing ‘ZONE’ at either IR input will tell the
processor the next codes sent are meant to 
control the other area.
All commands directed to the ZONE IR input control
the operation of the remote Zone, thus you should
NOT press the ZONE button. The Main area does
not need to be on. Only the following buttons 
on the remote wand control the remote Zone:
SLEEP: Turns off the remote Zone in fifteen 
to ninety minutes
STANDBY: Turns the remote Zone off and on
<: Seeks back to the next live two channel
audio(video) input
>: Seeks forward to the next live two channel
audio(video) input
AV1 through AUD6: Directly selects the preferred
Audio/Video or Audio SOURCE
ZONE: Toggles control back and forth between 
the Main area and the remote Zone
MUTE: Toggles MUTE on and off
VOLUME \/: Decreases the volume
VOLUME /\: Increases the volume (and turns off
Mute if it is on)
To access the remote Zone operations press the
‘Zone’ button in the lower left quadrant of the
remote control. If the Zone is ‘off’ a message
‘ZONE OFF’ will appear on the panel and on-screen.
(Onscreen display requires that you use an OSD
video output, or have OSD turned on for the
Component Video output). If the Zone is ‘On’, 
the normal information about the current setup 
of the SSP-75 appears, plus the word ‘ZONE’, to
indicate that you are in the Zone menu. All of the
information (On Screen and) on the front panel is
about the remote ZONE.