DSC pc1616 Manual De Usuario

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DSC PowerSeries Alarm System User Guide
6-digit user code or press [4] to delete the user code.  After the user code is pro-
grammed or deleted, enter another 2-digit user to be programmed or press [#] to exit.
LCD Keypad:
Press [4][5] followed by the Master Code.  The keypad will display the first user
(user 01) and include the letter ‘P’ in the bottom, right corner if the user code is pro-
grammed.  Scroll to the appropriate user and press the [4] key to program the user
(or enter the 2-digit user number).  Enter a new 4-digit user code or press [4] to
delete the user code.  After the user code is programmed or deleted, scroll to another
user or press [#] to exit.
Programming Partition Assignment:
Press [4][5] followed by the Master Code.  Press [8] followed by the 2-digit user to
change the partition assignment.  The keypad will turn ON the corresponding zone
light to indicate which partition(s) the user is assigned to.  For example, if zone light
1 is ON, the user is assigned to partition 1.  To change the partition assignment, press
the number corresponding to the partition.  Once the correct partitions are assigned
to the user, press [#] to exit.  To change the partition assignment for another user,
press [8] followed by the 2-digit user number.  When finished, press [#] to exit.
Programming User Attributes:
Press [4][5] followed by the Master Code.  Press [9] followed by the 2-digit user to
change the user attributes.  The keypad will turn ON the corresponding zone light to
indicate which attributes are assigned to the user.
Light [1]-[2] For Future Use
Light [3]
User can manually bypass zones
Light [4]
User can access the Escort5580 module remotely
Light [5]-[6] For Future Use
Light [7]
The panel will squawk the bell output when the user arms/disarms
Light [8]
For Future Use
To change the user attributes, press the number corresponding to the attribute.  Once
the correct attributes are assigned to the user, press [#] to exit.  To change the user
attributes for another user, press [9] followed by the 2-digit user number.  When fin-
ished, press [#] to exit.
[4][6] – User Functions
Press [4][6] followed by the Master Code, then press the number corresponding to
the following functions.
Additional Alphanumeric Keypad Functions:
When scrolling through the list of available functions, the following additional func-
tions are available:
Event Buffer:View the 500-event panel buffer
Brightness Control:Adjusts the display backlighting level for optimal viewing
Contrast Control:Adjust the display contrast level for optimal viewing
Buzzer Control:Adjust the keypad buzzer tone for optimal sound
[4][7][x] – Command Output (1-4)
Press [4][7][x].  If the Command Output Code Required option is enabled, enter a
valid user code.  The panel will activate any PGM output assigned to the command
[4][9][User Code] – No-Entry Arming
Press [4][9] followed by a valid user code.  The system will arm in the Stay mode
and after the exit delay expires, it will remove entry delay.  All zones programmed as
Delay will function like Instant zones.  The system will flash the Armed light to indi-
cate that the system is armed with no entry delay.
[4][0] – Quick Arm/Quick Exit
Quick Arm: When disarmed, press [
][0] to arm the system.  The system will arm
as if a valid user code was entered.
Quick Exit: When armed, press [
][0] to activate Quick Exit.  The system will
allow a single  zone programmed as Delay to be violated once during the following 2
minute time period without changing the status of the system.
Testing Your System
Keypad Sounder and Siren Test
The System Test provides several system tests, and a two-second check of the key-
pad sounder and bell or siren. 
1. Press 
 [Master Code] 
2. The following will occur: 
The system activates all keypad sounders and bells or sirens for two seconds.
All keypad lights turn ON.
-  PK5500/LCD5500 keypads will light all pixels 
- The Ready, Armed, and Trouble LED’s will flash for the duration of the test
3.  To exit the function menu, press 
System Test
All smoke detectors in this installation must be tested by your smoke detector
installer or dealer once a year to ensure they are functioning correctly. It is the user’s
responsibility to test the system weekly (excluding smoke detectors).  Ensure you
follow all the steps in the ‘Testing Your System’ section above
1. Ensure that the system is disarmed and the Ready light is on before testing.
2. Press 
 and close all zones to return the system to the Ready state.
3. Perform a System Test by following the steps in the previous section.
4. To test the zones, activate each detector in turn (e.g., open each door/window
or walk in motion detector areas). 
PK5500/LCD5500 keypads will display the following message when each zone
(detector) is activated: “Secure System Before Arming < >”, “Secure System or
Enter Code” or “Secure or Arm System”. Use the 
 keys to view which
zones are open. The message will disappear when the zones are closed.
On an PK5501/LCD5501Z keypad, the display says “Open” when any zone
(detector) is activated. To see which zones are open, press 
. The keypad will
scroll the numbers of all open zones.
On a PK5508/PK5516/PC55XXZ keypad, the zone light turns ON when the zone
(detector) is activated. The zone light turns OFF when the zone is closed (e.g., door
or window closed).
Walk Test Mode
The installer can initiate a Walk Test mode for the system. While in Walk Test mode,
The Ready, Armed, and Trouble LED's will flash to indicate that Walk Test is active.
When the system automatically terminates the Walk Test modes, it will annunciate
with an audible warning (5 beeps every 10 seconds), beginning five minutes prior to
the termination of the test.
Guidelines for locating Smoke Detectors
Research has shown that all hostile fires in homes generate smoke to a greater or
lesser extent. Experiments with typical fires in homes indicate that detectable quanti-
ties of smoke precede detectable levels of heat in most cases. For these reasons,
smoke alarms should be installed outside of each sleeping area and on each storey of
the home.
The following information is for general guidance only and it is recommended that
local fire codes and regulations be consulted when locating and installing smoke
It is recommended that additional smoke alarms beyond those required for minimum
protection be installed. Additional areas that should be protected include: the base-
ment; bedrooms, especially where smokers sleep; dining rooms; furnace and utility
rooms; and any hallways not protected by the required units.
On smooth ceilings, detectors may be spaced 9.1m (30 feet) apart as a guide. Other
spacing may be required depending on ceiling height, air movement, the presence of
joists, uninsulated ceilings, etc. Consult National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 72, CAN/
ULC-S553-M86 or other appropriate national standards for installation recommen-
Do not locate smoke detectors at the top of peaked or gabled ceilings; the dead air 
space in these locations may prevent the unit from detecting smoke.
Avoid areas with turbulent air flow, such as near doors, fans or windows. Rapid air 
movement around the detector may prevent smoke from entering the unit.
Do not locate detectors in areas of high humidity.
Do not locate detectors in areas where the temperature rises above 38
F) or 
falls below 5
C (41
Smoke detectors should always be installed in accordance with NFPA 72, the 
National Fire Alarm Code. Smoke detectors should always be located in accor-
dance with the following:
Smoke detectors shall be installed outside of each separate sleeping area in the
immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each additional storey of the family living
unit, including basements and excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics. In new
construction, a smoke detector also shall be installed in each sleeping room’.
[1]Program Time and Date:  Enter the time and date using the following format
[HH:MM] [MM/DD/YY].  Program the time using military standard (e.g., 8:00
pm = 20:00 hours).
[2]Auto Arm Enable/Disable:  The keypad will emit 3 rapid beeps if the Auto-
arm feature is now enabled and a steady 2-second tone if it is now disabled.  
[3]Auto Arm Time/Day:  Press the number corresponding to the day of the week
(1=Sunday, 2=Monday etc…) followed by the  auto arm time.  Program the time
using military standard (e.g., 8:00 pm = 20:00 hours).
[4]System Test:  The panel will perform the following; activate the bell output,
keypad buzzer and all keypad status lights for 2 seconds, test the backup battery
and transmit a reporting code to the central station (if programmed).
[5]Enable DLS:  The panel will temporarily enable DLS for 6 hours or 1 Hoyr.
[6]User Initiated DLS:  The panel will attempt to call the DLS computer.
For LED keypads, Press and hold the [
] key to adjust the keypad buzzer
tone, then release the button. 
If you are going to perform a System Test, call your Monitoring Station to
inform them when you begin and also when you end the test. 
If the system fails to function correctly, call your installation company for
service immediately. 
Some features described above are not functional unless enabled by your
installer. Ask your installer which features are functional on your system.