National Instruments NI PCI-6551 Manual De Usuario

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© National Instruments Corporation
NI Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer Guide
Install NI-HSDIO
NI-HSDIO features a set of operations and attributes that allow you to 
programmatically configure and control the digital waveform 
generator/analyzer. To install NI-HSDIO, complete the following steps:
1. Insert the first CD of the NI-HSDIO CD set. The NI-HSDIO installer 
should open automatically. If not, select Start»Run, and enter 
, where 
 is the letter of the CD drive.
2. Follow the instructions in the installation prompts. For troubleshooting 
and operating system-specific instructions, refer to the Hardware 
Installation Wizard at
3. When the installer completes, a dialog box appears that asks if you want 
to restart, shut down, or exit. Select Restart.
4. If you are using a system running the LabVIEW Real-Time Module, 
download NI-HSDIO to the target using MAX. Refer to the 
Measurement & Automation Explorer Remote Systems Help by selecting 
Help»Help Topics»Remote Systems in MAX.
NI Script Editor
The NI Script Editor is included on the NI-HSDIO CD and is installed when 
you install the driver. The NI Script Editor provides an intuitive interface 
to help you develop linking and looping pattern generation operations. 
NI Script Editor Help contains more information about the NI Script Editor. 
You can access NI Script Editor Help by launching the NI Script Editor and 
selecting Help»NI Script Editor Help from the toolbar.
(Optional) Install the NI Digital Waveform Editor
The NI Digital Waveform Editor (DWE) is included with the higher-memory 
versions of NI digital waveform generator/analyzers and also can be 
purchased separately at
. The NI DWE allows you to easily import 
data from popular third-party EDA programs, create your own waveforms, 
edit these waveforms, and view acquired waveforms.
If you are using the NI DWE, install it after you install NI-HSDIO.
5. Installing the Hardware
To install your NI digital waveform generator/analyzer, follow the 
instructions in the section that describes your hardware platform.
When installing your hardware, follow the instructions in this section to 
ensure that your device can cool itself effectively. If the device temperature 
rises above the optimal operating temperature range, the device disables 
itself, and MAX or NI-HSDIO notifies you with an error message. For more