games-microsoft-xbox kingdom under fire heroes Manual De Usuario

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First War of Heroes—Xok’s Knights
Legend holds that when war threatens Bersia with destruction, seven 
knights will appear to bring salvation.
The legend came true when the mysterious Khiliani, leader of the 
Dark Legion, took the eastern Hexter of Bersia in his campaign 
to destroy the world. Seven heroes, led by Keiser, rose up against 
Khiliani to rally for humanity and defend Bersia.
The battle turned when a fallen hero, Rick Miner, was resurrected 
through the immortal power of the Ancient Heart. Together with 
the rest of Xok’s Knights, he defeated Khiliani at the Altar of 
This was the First War of Heroes, now known as “Xok’s Knights.”
Second War of Heroes
Rumors linger long after the end of the Second War of Heroes. What 
transpired between Neeble and the Ancient Heart? Did all of the 
war’s participants truly vanish?
Mists. Legends. Echoes of good and evil. No clear record of this 
war remains. Nevertheless, the site of its final battle—the Altar of 
Destruction—now is considered holy ground.
Beginning of Chaos
5 years before the Encablossa War,
A group of Half Vampires, led by Valdemar, united Dark Elves 
who had been divided into tens of city states at war, and established 
Vellond Kingdom. Vellond was the first united Dark Elf nation in the 
history of Bersia continent, yet the only one that was not ruled by 
Dark Elves themselves.
King Valdemar was well aware of the fact that the oppressed Dark 
Elves will rebel soon, unless they were distracted by a bigger conflict. 
Aiming to expand its territory and control the residents, Vellond 
invaded Arein and tried to annex Hexter, a land of Orcs and Ogres.
At the time Arein was an autonomous state ruled by Elves, making 
the perfect outlet for the frustration and animosity of the Dark Elves 
who despised the Elves.
On the other hand, around 30 tribes of Orcs and Ogres had existed 
in peace and harmony in Hexter before the Appeasement Policy of 
Vellond. Vellond chose a Hexter tribe that had the biggest political 
ambition but not enough strength, then started supporting it with 
military supplies. As expected, the tribe started absorbing the smaller 
tribes in Eastern Hexter, and soon Hexter was divided into pro-
Vellond and anti-Vellond tribes who fought a bitter civil war.
One day, an army of unknown origin raided a small human village 
near the Hexter-Hironeiden border and slaughtered all the civilians. 
This event destroyed the precarious balance of power between Dark 
Legion and Human Alliance, and a full-scale warfare ensued.
The Chaos not only just ruined Vellond’s plan, but also – intended or 
not – became the trigger for the Encablossa War which put the entire 
Bersia continent at peril.